Are We Gonna Do This The Whole Time?

Slippery When Wet - home of the EC run as well as where YHC completed week 1 of the 2019 IronPax Challenge. In celebration of how much that sucked the first time, we’re gonna do it again today. Several PAX did some kind of EC run, 2 PAX for EC pull-ups. At 0545, there were 15 gathered round the flag. First exercise, Pledge of Allegiance.

Warm Up

2 laps around the pickle with some high knees and karaoke. Circle up for a fairly standard warm up consisting of SSHs, Moroccan Night Clubs, Seal claps, Steve Earles, Plank Jacks and Control Freak Merkins

The Thang

Starting at one end of the parking lot, broad jump 2 spaces. Then complete:

  • 10 burpees
  • 10 Bonnie Blairs (count each leg)
  • 10 Big Boi situps (WWIIs)

Repeat this sequence 2 more times, then bear crawl back to where you started. That is one round, complete a total of 5 rounds. Today, we all go until the first person completes 5 rounds. Take a quick recovery mosey then back to the flag.


Varying counts of LBCs, American Hammers, Dying Cockroaches, Homer2Marge, and 2 Side Plank Star Crunches each side. Have a Nice Day


Remember the KKC - Feb 1 and a pre-Murph at 0630 @ Pullen. Prayers for Greenbow’s family - his Aunt recently passed, and an Uncle just had a stroke. Continue prayers for Kingsley - has been hospitalized for an infection to go along with NHL chemo treatment. YHC took us out.


  • The reason for the random number of reps during Mary was so PAX could not anticipate when we were going to finish. No Hi-Liter, it was no more complicated than that. Mind games, if you will.
  • Following today’s workout, the site Qs at SWW have instituted a new policy - all workouts must be submitted ahead of time for approval
  • MIAGD - be a little better than you were yesterday!

See also