Apparently Not Problematic

As YHC was making my way around the gathering PAX, I noticed that several of them were noticeably away from the shovel flag, like they wanted to leave or something. Whatever. You Vesperers just go do your thing. I’ll take the small but mighty group and go do, oh I don’t know…a bootcamp. Here’s what we did:


Jog up Maury O’Dell and to the other end of Bond Park Drive (I think it is) for:

  • SSH
  • Hanging Good Mornings
  • Copperhead Merkins (Signature Move)
  • Copperhead Squats

The Thang

Jog on down to the boathouse parking lot and partner up for a traditional Dora 1-2-3. Trying to accommodate Hermes and his torn labia, I suggested he get in a group of 3. Well that caused all sorts of havoc. Really, it’s not that difficult. Once we got all that straightened out, it was time to get to work. 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBCs as a team while partners take turns running the parking lot loop.

Follow me along the trail to the kiosk and plank it out in a circle. One at a time, do 10 Merkins until all PAX have done their 10. Then up the hill and down toward the Billy Run start line for a modified version of Marine 16. Sprint from Light pole to Speed Limit sign, do 16 Burpees, run back and repeato. Then do that with Squats, Merkins, and Knee Tuck Jumps. By this time the Vesper 4s joined us for some Dying Cockroaches while the bootcampers finished the last set.

Line up on the Billy Run start line in 2 waves and sprint it back to the flag. Circle up for Mary

  • Box Cutters
  • Hundreds (Squatter signature move)


Count-a-rama: 33

Name-a-rama: 9 RESPECTS and a buncha mehs

Announcements: New AO, Lions Den soft launch next Wednesday at St. Mary Magdelene’s. Caryites, reserve your plane tickets now. Also, cultural ethic of F3 implies “open to all men” means men over 18, unless accompanied by an adult. Asking all site Qs to make sure that any youth either have a parent or another adult (not the Q) who will sponsor them and be responsible during the workout. Finally, we need to say the disclaimer before all workouts regardless of whether we have an FNG. Focus on “you are here at your own risk” and “modify as needed” and “we will leave no man behind, but we will leave no man where we found him”

Prayers/Praises: So many, including Old Maid’s co-worker, Repeato’s co-worker, Hi-Liter’s middle daughter, Ausfahrt, Joe Smith’s impending baby, Sooey, and, as we read afterward, Crimson’s FIL and for Doogie’s sacrificial actions.

BOM: YHC took us out

See also