#ao-travel-ir-bruisers at #ao-sat-Phoenix merkin o’rama

YHC/QIC had a preview of Bayonne’s routine and decided to call Bruisers. Knees cannot take the jarring. @Freebird HC last night late in the evening so I got a partner. Thanks Freebird!

I sat up last night thinking what to do and decided to create a good upper body routine and the best exercises are merkins and burpees. I through in some abs to work the core some more. I perused through the Exicon and found the Worst Merkins Ever. Lightbulb! Here’s how it went:

Thang 1:

Light-pole to light-pole

First 10 light-poles:

5x worst merkin ever (15 total)

5x dying coach roach

Second 10 light-poles:

5x burpees

5x boat/canoe OYO

Next set of light-poles to start point (6 light poles):

5x worst merkin ever with a slight modification (breaking it up - 15 diamonds, then standard, then wide-arm, repeato)

5x American Hammer (4 count IC)

Worked out nicely!

Thang 2:

Walked back to the parking lot to take advantage of the Work Deck until pax returns.

Spades: Burpees

Hearts: Box cutters

Diamonds: diamond merkins

Clubs: in-place lunge (L-R = 1) with squat

Aces: bear crawl 50 steps single count then walk back to deck

Joker: pax call exercise and how many

Merkin count incl burpees: 329 (@Ma Bell would have approved)


Merged back in with pax

@Freebird great work Brother!

See also