Anything for a Q-zie

While perusing our beautiful Q-sheet, looking for a spot to q and remembered I had never Q’d FMJ and there was an open spot and you get a koozie. I mean when stars align you go with it, even if you don’t have a theme ready to go.

Everyone gathered in the parking lot, trying to stay away from the problematic traffic coming in. Disclaimer for the Pax/FNGs and we’re off. Brisk mosey to the road and head northwest to the other school entrance. Circle up for warm-ups.

  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Apparently slow cadence Hill Billies
  • Good Mornings

On to the things…

  • Thing 1 - 7s with a loop…run down the parking lot, lunge walk the loop, then Wolverines, up the parking lot to the top of the grassy hill for jump squats.
  • Side note…32 people get spread out a lot
  • Thing 2 - nice traditional Dora 123 (Merkins, Squats, LBCs)
  • Mosey back to the base, but zig zag through any and all visible poles, columns, and cones
  • Have a nice day with some guided meditative breathing

Welcome FNGs Crash and GLOW. (did you know that the q can change a name within 30 seconds if a better one pops in his head)

Always a pleasure to share the gloom with this group!

See also