Any STP fans out there? We went to Church on Tuesday....

Father’s always smokin’
And your mom’s at church on Tuesday
And your brother’s always drinkin’ and dyin'

I’m not a big fan, but I remembered this Stone Temple Pilots song as we had fun in Downtown POGL this amazing morning! Post holiday thin crowd but we made the most of it! Here’s what went down after the mission & pledge…. mosey across town a bit to the north side of the church for:

Warm-up: classic stuff – good mornings, windmills, hillbillies, merkins/calves, fazios, etc. Mosey to the other side of the church for:

Thang #1: 7’s (thinking of you Callahan) that I don’t think were just lazy 11’s….. merkins at the bottom of the long parking lot, up the hill to Salem St. for monkey humpers – the catch was we did 2 burpees at each median along the way up & back. 96 total I think. With that out of the way, we moseyed back to the other side of the church for:

Thang #2: everyone takes a brick column & all do people’s chair –hold it while each PAX does a lap around the pickle in succession. Repeato with BTTW. After some blood left our heads we moseyed up to the grassy areas for:

Thang #3: “plank you very much” – regular plank, Chilcot - 90 seconds, left Chilcot 45 sec, right Chilcot 45 sec, regular plank, right arm up, left arm up, etc.

took the back road back to the flag for some team Mary: LBCs, HTM (1-legged), boxcutters, 100’s, Am Hammers, HAND

CoT: 9 PAX: 7 campers & 2 ruckers

Announcements: Carying Place this Sunday at 2, Western Wake Crisis Ministry (Sooey, Bootlegger), Chain-gang adopt-a-highway (Bagels)

P/P: my Mom, Barbara moved into memory care assisted living, kid’s wrapping up their school years stress, graduates, pastors navigating how to restart their churches

I had the honor of taking us out – truly beautiful morning with a great group of HIM!

See also