Antisocial Distance

The original plan for this morning involved some partner work and pull ups, but in keeping with the current SD policy YHC decided to save that workout for a later date. As of Wednesday afternoon YHC had been stuck at home all week without running since Sunday, so the PAX were instructed via pre-blast that we would do some running. YHC rolled up at 0501 with Revere and Mohawk, we split up and did some EC running and pull ups. As start time approached we were joined by a few others. Slappy and Cataracts on IR opted to walk, and the rest of us were off.


Mosey across Olive Chapel and over to the Publix parking lot. We made the largest possible circuit of the parking lot, stopping at all four corners for SSH, GM, plank jacks, and some stretching.

The Thang

Four Corners in the parking lot using the same route as warmups. 5 burpees at each corner. 2nd time around do 5 burpees and 25 CDD(modified to 20 after that round). 3rd round add 25 LBCs and 4th round 5 Star Jumps.

We got through all four rounds and skedaddled back to the school. Got back to the flag at 6:14, American Hammers x10 and Have A Nice Day. Covered about 3.15 miles total. We reunited with the walkers for SDCOT.


Burgaw is off indefinitely

TCP Sawgrass starting up this week I believe, Joker is looking to hand the Q off to someone else.

Prayers for all who are affected economically by the shutdown. Lots of folks will be unemployed, some are already.

YHC took us out, SD style.


Banjo is a burpee machine

Sucks that Wake Zone isn’t open til 7 right now-I could have used some coffee. But I could always use some coffee.

It felt rather awkward keeping so much distance for COT. I guess we’ll get used to it.

See also