Another Soggy Tuesday

Something about Tuesdays this year…wet has been the rule of thumb…At least when YHC has posted in the am rather than the ever popular PM Rush Hour.  No matter though, as 20 hard cores were there when YHC showed to do some work. Some new faces taboot. The inflow continues and that is a good thing. Pet Sounds let YHC know it was time and with that we ran up the hill to the top parking lot on left. Circle up for good mornings, IW’s, merkens and some good old cotton pickers. Now jog back down hill much to Flip Flops delight. The numbers were funky for trio groups but that don’t matter…move on and get a group and a rock.

Mosey to lower shelter. 200 dips at shelter, 400 merkens at far end of nice field and 200 star jumps back at shelter. One man at either end performing the work at the station, and one man running that rock like Bo Jackson. Hand off and continue. This went on for some time. It was raining too. Finish up and mosey back to road. One man at top of hill performing dying cockroach, one man at bottom doing wide grip merkens, one man shuttling that rock up and handing off. Tough. 2x thru each man. Mosey to bball court and boat/canoe and Frederick mercury. Larry didn’t show.

COT and Prayers.

NM: good mumblechatter even without Burt. Pet Sounds was running a tight ship this am. Flip Flop made YHC laugh several times and even sang some Phish lyrics. Apparently the Apex boys took they day off today or couldn’t manage to come to Cary or did inverted shit at FWD. Oh well. Lots of merkens this am. Some newish guys as well. Fine work by all this am.

See also