Another Rainy Day in Kryptonite City

Date : 02/19/18 , QIC Fluoride

Roll up to Kryptonite for my Q with 2 mins. to spare, early for me. Surely it won’t rain 3 weeks in a row, Wrongggg!!!

Granted it was a light rain and slightly cold, but rain none the less, and I hate to work out in the rain. The usual crew was there but good to see some new faces, Snots, Jigglypuff, Texas Ranger and Yogi, and Burt who is semi-regular, hard to miss him when you get out of the car, pontificating on the news of the weekend.

Warm up

  • SSH x 10
  • Off for the rest of our moving warm up lap around the lake. No small tribe Indian run today, still getting over my tweaked calf from last weeks small tribe event with Chanticleer.
  • Run to entrance of greenway above the lake.
  • Std Merican x 10
  • Turn on the headlamp and head to the mid point of the lake
  • Fazio Arm Circles x 10 forward, x10 backwards.
  • Continue around lake, left on the first greenway exit and stop at bridge
  • Irkins on bridge x 50

OK we are warm, head out to Regency Parkway, right into lower parking lot. Hey the ladies WO group is MIA, I guess they don’t like the rain either.


The Thang

Its time to revisit 10 rounds with Tyson , or as Floppy Disk calls it the Agoge 500, don’t know why?

10 reps of an exercise at the start, with 2 stops up the hill and 2 stops coming down.

  • Prisoner Squats x 50
  • Burpees x 50
  • Std. Mericans x 50
  • Plank Jacks x 50
  • Star Jumps x 50
  • Imperial Walkers x 50
  • Diamond Mericans x 50

Could have sworn we did another round but I could only remember 7, so we did not make the full 10 rounds on this fine morning in the gloom.

Running close to our hallowed 45 min limit we head back to the flag for our COT.



No time left for Mary, besides I have managed to put together an entire workout on a rainy morning  without getting our butts wet, I’m not going to mess that up now.




  • New limited running AO in Beta at Healing Transitions Tuesdays at 5;30 AM. Yogi Q
  • The Mule, March 10th. at 6:15, 6:30 launch at Chavis Park.
  • 2nd Anniversary of FWD tomorrow 5:45 with Bacon, I’m there.
  • Healing Transitions Dinner and speaker Tuesday the 27th, Feb. at 5:00 PM, may have the date wrong?

Prayer requests:

  • Grease Monkey’s Mom undergoing radiation. Has her next scan on the 15th of March. Pray for Healing and please lift the family up in prayer on the 15th
  • Another friend struggling with cancer

Closed with a scripture: " You are a lamp unto my feet and a light to my pathway." Psalm 119:105

There are many times in our lives when we are unsure where to take the next step.  Our head lamp lit up the dark path and showed us where the mud and water puddles were, this morning, on our run.

Just as this light showed us where to take the next step, God will lead us down His path if we just trust him to light the path ahead of us, and walk into His will for our lives today. Trust him when He opens those doors of opportunity to help our fellow brothers in need today, and tomorrow.

Hermes took us out with a powerful Prayer.


Thank You again for the honor of letting me lead today.



See also