Another Good Evening

Another adventure in the Chronicles of Rush Hour was commencing as a pax of 6 gathered around for the beatdown.  So, jumping right into it, after the Pledge of Allegiance we were off and parking lot next to Academy street for warmups.


  • Good Evenings
  • SSH
  • Sir Fasio Arm Circles (forward and reverse)
  • Cotton Pickers
  • High Knees

Thang 1:

Running along Academy Street, we did Ascending and Descending Merkins at each lightpole.  Starting from 1 going to 5, then coming back down from 5 to 1.  We stopped at the fountain.

Thang 2:

American Hammers on the fountain, then three rounds of Fountain exercises:

  • Round 1: Irkins, Dips, Dirkins, WWII, Squats (10 reps); 5 burpees OYO
  • Round 2: Repeato (15 reps); 5 more burpees OYO
  • Round 3: Repeato excepts American Hammers instead of WWII (10 reps); 5 more burpees OYO

Thang 3:

We made our way back the way we came by doing 5 jump lunges at every third lightpole, and Left right step ups at the bench areas.

Thang 4:

In our favorite grassy area, we partnered up. Partner 1 did LBC’s, while Partner 2 Bear Crawled from one side to the other, did 10 wall jumps, then bear crawled back, then switch.  After that, Repeato.


  • Heels to Heaven
  • Boat Canoe
  • Hello Dolly
  • Freddy Mercs
  • Homer to Marge
  • Fludder Kicks
  • 100’s


6/8 – Crazy Train


Continued prayers for Ausfardt, and any other pax on IR

Prayers for the young adult ministry at YHC’s church and the special Summer event we’re doing on Thursday.

YHC took us out!

See also