Animal Kingdom

13 PAX circled up on a perfect morning. Sun was shining, shovelflag was planted, and the PAX were ready.

(disclaimer: this workout happened 7 days ago. My memory is very rusty, so what follows is probably only about 70% accurate)


Jog over to Booty Sea for Good Mornings, SSH, Merkins, Imperial Walkers, then jog to the Taipai 101 lot for…


Two groups, one bear crawls to the end of the lot, second group squat hold. Group 2 follows once group 1 is done. Next round, crab walk and squat hold. Round 3, Gorilla hop and plank. Last round, Lunge Walk and plank.

Run over to Bond Bros lot, group one Backward Run out and back, group 2 squat hold. Flapjack. Round 2, Carioca and squat hold. Round 3, sprint and plank. Paint the lines to the end of the lot.

The next lot over, we repeated the Taipai 101 animal movements set. It sucked a lot. At the end of that lot, there’s a really beautiful retention wall, perfect for Dips, One-legged Squats, Irkens, and Derkens (all in cadence, naturally).

Run back to the bottom of the hill at the church, line up for Jacob’s ladder - LBCs in cadence.

Circle up in the lot for…


American Hammers, maybe one more exercise. And we’re done


Name-o-rama: 13 weathered worriors

Count-o-rama: Still 13, some RESPECTS, some hates, mostly meh

Announcements: yes.

Prayer requests: Some dear friends of mine found out their 3 year-old son has multiple masses on his kidney. They also found lesions on his lungs, so they are sure it’s cancer and it has metastasized to some degree. He had biopsies taken Monday and had a central line placed (basically an IV placed directly into his heart, makes giving medication/chemotherapy drugs easier - fewer pokes over the course of the next few months). They will get results back soon, today or tomorrow, and a course of action will follow. Specifically pray for a favorable histology with no anaplasia.  Unfortunately, all the signs for negative outcome are present in Luke’s case, so the prognosis will likely not be good. Could be a miracle waiting to happen, though.



  • My friend Michael (Luke’s dad) has been weighing heavily on my heart lately. They set up a facebook page for Luke and post pictures and updates. But they also send private photos and videos to me and the M. It’s absolutely heart-breaking to see Luke in pain. The tumor is the size of a spaghetti squash, so it is causing quite a bit of pain, not to mention hampering the poor kid’s breathing.
  • It pains me to see videos of Luke’s hampered breathing, with anguish on his sweet little face. It’s gut-wrenching and miserable.
  • And he’s not even my kid.
  • Michael says he’s feeling detached from the whole thing at this point - like it’s not even happening. He’s a brilliant guy (the same rocket scientist guy I’m trying to find a job for in the triangle), and as a scientist, he likes to do research. Unfortunately, his research into Wilm’s Tumor, which is the suspected case here, has yielded a very bleak picture.
  • I don’t know what to say, but I’m pouring into him as much as I can. It’s all I know to do. It’s what I’ve seen happen at F3 on multiple occasions. I’ve learned about support from brothers. I’ve both given it and received it. I’ve know what it can do for a guy. Mike doesn’t have a lot of support up in Virginia. Never really has since moving there. But he needs help. Needs support, prayer, love.
  • I’m just asking that if you happen to read these words, just pause a second and pray for Luke. Pray for Michael. And pray for Tessa, Michael’s wife and Luke’s mom. Their family has been thrown into an awful situation and only God is big enough and strong enough to handle it.
  • Sorry to be a bummer, I know this is heavy stuff. But a brother is in need, and a 2.0 is fighting hard. And an M is barely hanging on. Michael needs to be a rock for his family right now, but he’s going to need support too. Thank you, brothers. All the prayers are welcomed and appreciated.


See also