Angst rock

Low mileage workouts are not usually my thing. And Qing them especially not. But that’s the fun bit about the CARPEx Challenge. You get to push boundaries and explore new things.

This was probably the Q I prepped for more than most recent ones. My main goal was to keep the running to 0 so lots of time to fill. Hope the boys enjoyed.


Went for a little run beforehand. Got a little turned around and by the time I got back to the flag, it was a couple minutes before time. Thanks to the Site Qs and other assembled guests for pulling the kettle bells out.


Long combo of GM, Abe Vigoda, Sir Fazios, Claps, SSH, MC and Merkins.

Why the hell is it so humid still?

Thang 1:

The Fat Amy. Found it on a WOD website. Simple and effective:

50 KB Squats + 10 burpees
40 KB Leg Lifts + 10 burpees
30 KB Lunges (15 each) + 10 burpees
20 merkins + 10 burpees
10 meter bear crawl & back + 10 burpees

Then back up.

Playlist was a angsty combination of 80s college alternative best: The Smiths, The Cure, Violent Femmes, The Replacements, U2, REM, Talking Heads. Turns out Squatter is a fan. Named them all after the fact.

Thang 2:

Switched over to 90s with a Pearl Jam list. Apparently I accidentally selected the jam sessions version.

Chillcut for 7 second/PAX around the circle followed by each of the following:

  • 20 KB swings
  • 20 KB Curls
  • 20 KB tricep extensions
  • 20 KB rock rows


Some LBCs, some AH, some obliques and lots of dying cockroaches



Prayers for jobs and lost ones. Prayers for Track Star’s grandmother who is coming to the end of her journey.


  • Fantastic coffee from Yahoo this morning. Delicious.
  • And really nice job from Yahoo making sure to keep himself and the PAX safe by donning PPE for the serving ceremony. Way to keep the M happy. Seriously.
  • Total mileage: 0.2miles.

See also