And We Ran

YHC felt a little Gumpy this morning, so I took advantage of the opportunity at Carpex’s finest High-Tempo bootcamp to get our run on.


  • Good Mornings in honor of the missing Nature Boy
  • SSH

The Thang:

  • One line of 9 for an Indian Run towards Mo-Ville Parkway
  • One Stop for a set of WW2’s
  • Back to Indian Run
  • Continue on to corner, turning right on Mo-Ville Parkway after a set of merkins, then WW2’s
  • Back to Indian Run
  • Run towards the sun, stopping for a quick set of LBC’s, merkins, and WW2’s
  • Back to Indian Run
  • We found ourselves a dam with very tall grass, and an opportunity to do control freak incline partner sit-ups, truly a fun time.
  • Back to Indian Run
  • More LBC’s, merkins, and WW2’s….
  • Back to Indian Run
  • More LBC’s, merkins, and WW2’s….
  • Indian Run back to flag.
  • Partner up for Wheelbarrow Derkins


  • Flutter Kicks
  • Australian Snow Angels
  • Dying Cockroach (Thx Pivot)
  • Boat Canoe (following Biner)
  • Supermen
  • WW2’s
  • Have a Nice Day!


  • Running is fun
  • 120 WW2’s on asphalt makes for a sensitive 6
  • Everyone is afraid of fireants
  • Have a nice day!

Respect - 3

Meh - The rest

See also