And then the rain cleared...

With a forecast of rain and flashfloods, PAX of 15 posted outside the closed park gate. Unfortunate for the FNG that showed a few minutes late, but couldn’t find us until halftime of our workout…


With the rain miraculously holding off the PAX began a light jog into the park stopping at the speed bump for the 6 to complete 20 SSH, then jogged the rest of the way in to circle up for some Merkins, Mountain Climbers and Good Mornings.


PAX were instructed to find a non-traveling rock and circle up. We completed 20 curls, 20 overhead presses, 40 rock rows and 20 tricep extensions, then ran a lap around the parking lot. We rearrangemed formation to a straight line on one side of the parking lot and commenced 20 more curls, lunge walked with rock extended overhead 50ft to other side of lot. Tacked on 40 rock rows then a lap around the parking lot. During a set of rock exercises, an FNG, later appropriately named Halftime, wondered into the parking lot like a long lost sheep. The PAX repeated rock excercises followed by overhead lunge walk, more rock exercise and then a lap around the parking lot a total of 5 times.

Once the rocks were gently placed back into their homes, the PAX moved to the retaining outside the tennis courts to complete 20 derkins, 20 4-count alternating right left step ups, 20 derkins and 20 4-count alternating right left step ups. Then we started working our way back to our cars.

By this time there were moans of the workout being too hard, which I replied with an invitation for their wives to show up for my next Q on Thursday…


The PAX began to mosey back towards the cars stopping at the speed bump for low slow flutter, then proceeded to the front parking lot for Mary lead by Containment, Joe Smith, Pickles, Smokey, and PAX.


COT -Finished with 16

Coop stronghold t-shirts for sale, Highlighter’ s dad starting chemo this week, Sooey starts new job this week.

As COT wrapped up the rain began to come and we knew that our 45 minute window of no rain was the perfect birthday present for Water Wings!

See also