And recover. ( thanks Shut-in)

We are four days in to the week and this is my third Q. I’m not sure how some of you Q for an entire week, my brain hurts from coming up with the workouts almost as much as my legs do from doing the workout. Anyways, always happy to wake up super early to lead the Pax. Here goes my third Q.

No fng’s so said the pledge and mosey around the pickle. Circle up for good morning, ssh, calf stretch, seal claps, and finkle swings. On to the thang.

Thang 1- line up across the parking lot for moving Jack Webb’s. Pax completed entire set of Jack Webb’s while also doing Lt. Dan (4 lunges with 1 squat) across the lot.

Thang 2- run to parking lot in front of Culver’s. Time for Global Warming. At random corners of parking lot, squat hold for 6 to make it in. Then 5 burpees. Followed by 10 Burt jacks. Run to another corner. 5 burpees, Burt jacks, and monkey humpers. This continued across several more corners and exercises added were quick feet, plank jacks, and derkins. Run back to starting spot. 5 more burpees then Bernie Sanders run to top of the street and eventually back to the flag.

Thang 3- circle up around the flag for Global Warming. Pax in squat hold and shuffle around in a circle until I called the following; merkins, Bobby hurleys, overhead claps, and more burpees.

Mary- oblique crunches, homer to marge, and boat/canoe was called.

See also