And Now for Something....

  • When: August 16th, 2018
  • QIC: Earhart
  • The PAX: Biner, PBX, Liverpool, Goose, Hotty Toddy, Geek Squad, Slice, Franklin, Sooey, Crimson, Red Ryder, Ma Bell, Solder, Disco Duck, The Joker, Nature Boy, Camel, Badlands, Doogie, Swag,  YHC: Earhart

After a quick warm up run with some of the regulars, YHC was ready to lead a group of HIM for a rare appearance at Flying Circus.  Start with Pledge of Allegiance, then a quick jaunt around the parking lot, mixing in karaoke, high knees, butt kickers, and other random running stuff until we circle back at the beginning for:

Warm Up

Good mornings

Cotton Pickers

Side Straddle Hops

Merkins (10) for Ma Bell

The Thang

Done with our warms we head over to the basketball court for some fun.  PAX split in two with the first group performing BTTW while the second runs suicides up the court and back.  When done we flapjack twice, giving everyone a chance to burn their shoulders and their legs equally.  Since we were on a basketball, seemed appropriate to call Bobby Hurlies (10) just cause.

Next up we mosey over to some stairs.  Q calls for a modified version of 7s, one burpee at the top and 6 starjumps at the bottom.  The modification, for every landing, the PAX were to perform the same number of squats as the 7 exercise.  This instruction seemed to confuse many of the PAX but most got through it ok, especially the ascending burpees.

Next up, we head to the field for some four-corners escalator.  The rounds went something like this:

10 Merkins

15 Squats

20 Mountain Climbers

25 CCDs

Then back down the escalator, repeating above.

Done with that we head to the stairs for some more burpees, 5 each landing totaling 20 by the time we got to the top.

Back to the original parking lot, Q asks Ma Bell, how many Merkins have we done today, a:  90.  So, we just had to do more some we did 11 curb merkins for a grand total of 101, pffft on 100 done at Tortoises.

Finish up with our Thang and head to the parking lot for:


To encourage some of these new faces, Q asks each of the VQs to call out their own exercise of choice.  We did some hammers, LBCs, cockroaches, and crowd favorite homer-to-marge.


The bell tolls 6:30 and we are done.




Count-a-rama:  21 PAX


  • Q School August 29th Bond Park Kiosk 6:30PM
  • 9/11 stair climb is Tuesday this year


  • Flying Circus bar none has the best natural grass field in all of Carpex
  • Much mumble chatter this morning about the 7s on the stairs
  • Sue me for messing up on a cadence or two, take it out of my pay
  • Heard on the field, Just take it off Disco Duck…..
  • I appreciate the Apex boys coming up to represent
  • T-claps to Disco for helping me remember all the names
  • Extra, Extra t-claps to the PAX that EC’d with me from FOD, Ma Bell, Liverpool, Biner, PBX (sort of)
  • Liverpool had to run the parking lot twice because he just could not run 1.95 miles, it just had to be 2.0!
  • Great site, I will be back again…some day

It was an honor to lead you men this morning.

See also