And Bear Crawls For All...

Warm Up:


SSH - IC x 10

IW - IC x 10

KDK - IC x 10

GM - IC x 5

WM - IC x 10

The Thang:

Mosey to the Basketball Court and give the Pax Instructions

Bear Crawls, Gorilla Hops, Crab Walks, Duck Walks and last but not least Lunges are the only means of travel when not Running.

Proceed to the Gherkin and Bear Crawl Around it

Proceed to the Pickle and Bear Crawl Around it

Proceed to THE BALLS and Bear Crawl Weave through them.

Mosey to the Hill leading up to the Bridge and Beal Crawl Up it

Mosey across the Bridge and Bear Crawl down the Ramp

Procced to the Park and Bear Crawl the Ramp

Proceed back to the center of the Bridge and Balls 2 the Wall Last man Standing - Ends in a Draw between Hermes and Red Ryder

Proceed back to the parking lot and Bear Crawls back to the flag


LBCs - IC x 10

FM - IC x 10



Check slack for X-mas Party Deets and Adopt a Highway

WELCOME FNG - Castaway Brought in by IC Light to FWD on Tuesday 11-02-21

Prayers and Praises: None Spoken.

YHC lead us in prayer

NMS: As of late most of my recent Q’s have involved copious amounts of Bear Crawls. You can thank TEXAS RANGER for that. When he Q’d at Phoenix last he had us leave the park and go down to the Jersey Mikes parking lot then had us Bear Crawl back to the park entrance. I swear I think it took us damn near 30 mins to get back with many breaks taken. The Pax were determined to see it through. It was a gut check to be sure. I never thought we’d do that and I’d never do it on my own had it not been called at an F3 workout. However I felt like we’d acomplished something great that morning as small a feat as it was. I’m hoping that in doing so I can give some of the pax the same feeliing I had that day.


See also