
10 PAX gather in the gloom for an Eahart KB beatdown.  As I pull up a group of HIM were running in after some EC/BRR training.  Personally, I will be glad once BRR is done and we can get back to F3.  Anywho, Mosey around the parking lot and to the front of the church for:

Warm Up

Control freak Good Mornings

Imperial Walkers

Side Straddle Hops

Sir Fazio/Seal Claps

The Thang

Done with warm-ups, we mosey over and grab a bell, circling up nearby for 3 rounds of:

Curls for girls

Overhead Presses

Tricep Extensions

Rock rows

Run a lap around the larger pickle for the next 3 rounds of:

Kettlebell swings



Cross arm clean and press

Around the world

Runa lap around the pickle again, then grab your bell and line-up on the curb for 3 rounds of:

Left-right step up

Calf raises

Lawn mowers

Goblet Squats

After the final speed round of the above exercise, we circle up for


All with Bells:

American Hammers

Freddie Merc presses


Frisco LBCs (LBCs with a press)

Have a nice day

Check of watch and it shows 6:15 and we are done


Count-a-rama:  10 PAX

Announcements:  Iron PAX challenge coming up Sept 6th, The Deacon Sept 19th, and some sort of mountain run Sept 11th.

Prayers for Dillon (Bubba’s 2.x), Kwik Stop to find a job, and Oleg at camp

I am honored to lead a fine group of HIM!

See also