An ode to ConPAINment Area

Friday’s workout at DZ was supposed to have been Q’d by Mr. Original, the one, the first, the only, Louis CK. Unfortunately he wasn’t able to come out which leaves us only a couple of weeks before The Godfather of Raleigh and Founder of CARPEx takes his leave from NC. Hopefully he’ll be back soon. In the meantime, the workout turned out to be more of an ode to the ConPAINment Area, including a throw back to a couple early BB from Cary.


Inspired (clearly not very much) by

Ran the pickle. SSH, GM.

Plank for Merkins followed by a question of the OGs in the house (hello Burt, Saban and Coney) to help the rest of us understand what a Sarkozy and a Putin was. Turns out they are simply ‘one arm up’ plank holds with Putins being right arm up and Sarkozy being left arm up. Neither is in the Exicon. I guess it didn’t stick.

No one knew what a Willy Wonka was.

That finished the warmups pretty quickly.


Inspired by

Moseyed down to the bridge and where the rock pile that I should have remembered earlier this year was. Everyone grabbed a travel rock.

String of pearls around the park with our rocks, stopped every now and again for curls, overhead lifts, tricep extensions, etc. Once we got to the bottom we switched to squats, lunges, and the like as we headed back up.

Pit stop at the tiniest ampitheater in all of Cary for plank-walking the wall while the PAX merkined.

Returned the rocks, crossed the bridge, and put a cherry on the whole thing with irkins, dips and dirkins on the wall.

Mosey to the flag.


Inspired by nothing. Standard mary stuff that I dont remember anymore since it’s been a week.



Prayers for Chipper as well as a few older family members nearing the end of their journey.


Hoping to catch CK before he moves to Washington. The man made a difference in literally hundreds of lives. Some differences may have been small but many (and I would argue most) have been profound differences. I hope he realizes it. We love him and thank him and will miss him.

See also