An IMPromptu Beatdown

Riptide was on the Q sheet. Unfortunately, his M is very sick and he wasn’t able to make it. He did message the site q’s in advance, but I didn’t see the message until after the workout. Rooney had work early this AM, so YHC took the helm for a Q off the top of the dome. Here’s what went down:


Jog over to the Pre-School parking lot.

Mosey over to the Pre-School parking lot. SSH x 20, Good AM x 8, IW x15, 10 Burpees OYO, Standard Merkins x20, Hold Plank, Mosey back to the track around the park.


Partner up for Catch Me If You Can around the track. Lap 1 = 10 Star Jumps. Lap 2 = 10 Wide Grip Merkins. Lap 3 = 15 LBCs. Plank hold for the 6 after each lap.

Mosey to the parking lot by the baseball field. Line up across from your partner. Bear crawl to meet your partner. Do 5 partner clap merkins. Crawl bear back. Repeat 3x. Lunge walk to your partner. Do 10 squat jumps. Walk lunge back. Repeat 3x.

Billy run the length of the parking lot, then mosey back to the skate park.

Dips x10, ALRSU x10, Derkins x10, Low slow flutter x10

Dips x15, ALRSU x15, Derkins x15, Low slow flutter x15


American Hammer x15, 100’s, WW2 x15, Scorpion Dry Docks x20, Dying Cockroaches x20. Have a Nice Day.


Grateful for the pax bearing with me through a spur of the moment Q. Announcements included Sunday’s Carrying Place Service and a Memorial Day Q in the works. Prayers for those struggling with Mental Health issues. Go check out the latest Pick Up the 6 Podcast on #F3MentalBattle. YHC encouraged the pax to never suppress a generous thought. God answers the prayers of others by prompting us to act.

See also