An Evening of Firsts

YHC has finally officially posted at all 21 AOs!  (And right away it’s remembered Claymore is spankin new and so that number is changed to 20…either way it was a first time for YHC to post at Rush Hour, let alone Q.  But with plenty of experience at BO “going in blind” wouldn’t be the way to describe it.

A large sum of pax showed up for this one, 9 of us in all.  A few guys YHC had yet to meet…which is a key reason to hit up different AOs, pax.  Meet some new brothers!

We got started at 1745 with the disclaimer.  Kermit stayed back waiting for his buddy Freon to arrive for his second post ever.

Tonights plan was simple because rain was in the forecast.  We were going to work the parking deck until it hurt.  But first, to get some mileage we ran a figure 8 around the municipal buildings stopping along the way for warm up and some fun pax counting.

YHC typically brings a BETA test item for each Q and tonight was no different.  Tonight on the menu was a single rep count around the circle while the rest of the circle held position.  So something like this:

Plank hold and count around the circle Merkins for 5 sets.  Pax 1 would do a merkin and say “One!”, then Pax 2 would do a merkin and say “One”, etc.  On the next time around the circle pax one do one rep but say “Two”, as it was their 2nd merkin they themselves are doing…complicated yep.  Once it caught on it was easy.  Is it for a pax of 25?  Mmmmmm.  No.

OK so here’s all we did:

  • Good Mornings
  • Merkin Circle Count
  • Dirkin Circle Count
  • Dips Circle Count
  • SSHs
  • Squat Circle Count
  • Dirkin Cicle Count
  • Dips Circle Count
  • Aussie Pullup Circle Count

Run to Parking Deck

  • Double 7s:  1 Burpee - Run across the parking deck (short length), 6 Prisoner Squats, Back to top of stairs, 1 Burpee, Run to bottom of stairs, 6 Diamond Merkins, back to top of stairs:  That’s 1-6-1-6, keep going for 2-5-2-5, 3-4-3-4, etc…
  • Between the Lines:  Shout out to Ollie for the name. Stand at the end of the parking space line.  On my go Bear Crawl across to the other row of parking lines and crawl to the end of the spot for 1 CDD, run back for 1 Star Jump. These were for speed so that was the first set.  Then the next set, same movements but 2 CDDs, 2 Star Jumps.  They were tiny sprint sets but man they gassed us. We did 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1 - so 9 sprint sets.

Back to the Flags for some real REAL solid COT.  Freon shared a lot with us that he needs prayers and praises for so we laid our hands on him during BOM.  (He would later share merlot too, thus completing my Evening of Firsts!)

3 pax for post RH HH at BB 2F.

See also