Always On Time

13 men and 1 dog showed up to a flagless Claymore, but pledge allegiance to an imaginary flag and got to work. Warm-Up Mosey to the left side of the lot and circle up for various warm-up exercises, including imperial walkers (because we’re in Cary) and excluding hillbillies (because we’re not in Apex). Explain Wildcard, every time Crimson says “Wildcard!” we do five burpees. The Thang Mosey over to the tennis courts, count off 1s and 2s. 1s BTTW while 2s knock out 20 merkins. Flip flop and repeato with people’s chair and monkey humpers. Mosey to the dark side of the courts and repeato. Mosey back to the light side of the courts and repeato. Unfortunately Crimson insisted on clapping during his burpees, so he was relieved of his duties and Free Bird took over. Mosey to the rock pile and circle up for various rock exercises, with a few runs around the pickle mixed in. About this time Always On Time Frisco showed up. Mosey to the left side of the park for sevens, bearcrawls up, merkins, moseys down, supermans. Mary Mosey back to the flag (there it is!) and circle up for Mary. COT Count-a-rama:  14 Name-a-rama:  5 RESPECT, 9 meh, 1 dog Prayers / Praises:  Prayers for safety for everyone travelling this week, prayers for parents dealing with various stages of their children’s growth, prayers for Liverpool and his family during the holidays, prayers for YHC’s mother-in-law Judy BOM:  YHC took us out NMS  YHC so rusty at Q’ing I blanked on the disclaimer. Said something like don’t get hurt, don’t sue us if you do. Shoulda just said get better. Good to see Kidney Stone on this side of Cary. Crimson knew what he was doing with those claps, YHC ain’t gonna stand for that. TCLAPS to Free Bird for taking over and doing them correctly. Briefs was by far the best-behaved one in the bunch. Good dog. It’s been a tough year for all of us, for a lot of different reasons. But this week is about giving thanks, so YHC encouraged the pax to focus on the things we can be grateful for. If we spend a little time looking we can find a lot of them.

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