Always Charge the Hill


  • 15 charged the hill at Lion’s Den

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the flag.
  • Snake around the parking lot, circle up for: SSH, GM, Calf Stretch ‘Mericans, Victory Burpees

The Thang

  • Run to the church entrance, partner up. Partner 1 runs down the hill and across the street continuing to the bottom of the big hill and back up while partner 2 performs 20,30,40 reps of ‘Mericans, LBCs, SSH. Flap jack. Both partners run the hill 5 times.
  • Run to the small drop off circle. Partner 1 bear crawls the circle while Partner 2 performs 10,10,10 reps of Freddie Mercuries, LSF, Dying Cockroaches. Flap jack. Both partners bear crawl twice.
  • Run back to the flag.


See also