There’s a show that ran on BBC in the late 80s and early 90s called Red Dwarf that just about makes up the epitome of what I consider peak humor. It’s nerdy yet childish and gets me giggling all the time. While the show is a sci-fi comedy, it’s still a BBC show so the production values are total crap. You have to look through that. The writing and the characters are what make it work.
At any rate, there is an episode called “Polymorph” that is my absolute favorite. Ask me about it sometime. But the title of this backblast comes from that ep:
Alphabetti Spaghetti
(note: the dude with an “H” on his forehead is a hologram. Hence the H. Much easier makeup than Data or Worf)
Today’s work out had a bit of Red Dwarf it in. A bit nerdy. Low on production values. And a great time.
ran with a small crew. Perfect mosey pace as I get back on the horse after a week tending a bum knee. It was just what the doctor ordered.
Mosey the long way over to the grass in Waverly for a some calisthenics. Butt kickers and high knees en route. GMs, stretches, SSH, IW, plank hold, merkins (26!), MC.
I had meant to hard count at 25 but got distracted so we went to 26. The theme was born.
Mosey on…
Found the wall up above the parking lot for dirkins. The catch was everyone plank holds with feet up. First PAX does 1 dirkin, the second does 2, etc. Everyone holds. Then back down 1… 2… 3…. Everyone got in 13 or 14 total dirkins. Felt like 40. Followed up with dips. 26 IC of them.
Mosey on to the parking lot at the top.
Split PAX into two groups to keep numbers easier. Four corners:
- 26 Star jumps
- 52 (26x2) Merkins
- 78 (26x3) dips
- 104 (26x4) LBCs
Group 2 just did the ABCs.
Mosey. Bacon tree joke.
Second time:
52 (26x2) CCDs
78 (26x3) Squats
104 (26x4) Freddy Merc
Mosey back.
10 minutes of LBCs, Dying Cockroaches, Flutter Kicks, Heel Touches, FKs again, Protractor, Supermans. Maybe one or two other things.
Cleaver team is back. Time to call it.
20 total including the runners
TCP this weekend
Prayers for 16 Steve’s MIL.
Really enjoyed the crew this morning. It’s been a month or more since last Q. And I missed it.
Keep your eye on TP. He knows what I mean.