Almost respectable...

… at least working hard to become so.

YHC was proud to be counted among the sixteen PAX who braved the gloom to post at Wolverine today. Thanks to the end of daylight saving time, we could see each other reasonably well. I must say, the PAX were looking quite spiffy in the early morning light. (Strike that as awkward :)

Warmed-up in the parking lot by painting a few lines, then:

  • SSH (x20)
  • Good Mornings (x10)
  • Imperial Walkers (x15)
  • Merkins (x20)
  • Mt. Climbers (x20)

The Thang

  • Mosey over to Davis Drive Middle
  • Backwards run along the (surprisingly long) fence
  • Mini-ladder
    • wolverines(x5), add plank jacks (x10), add sumo squats (x15)
  • Bear crawl up hill
  • Mini-Dora with partner
    • pullups (x40), LBCs (x60), lunges (x80)
  • Bear crawl down hill
  • Grab an ego rock for some (3x):
    • curls for girls (x15)
    • squats (x15)
    • overhead press (x15)
  • Mosey back to parking lot
  • Still a few mins left, so team relay race


  • American Hammer
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Homer to Marge
  • Have a Nice Day

COT - 16 of CARPEX finest PAX

Prayers - Prayers for friends, bosses, those impacted by shooting in Texas, and all the unspoken needs.

NMS - The thought of getting old is scary … but you guys have helped me feel stronger than I can ever remember, and inspired to tackle the big-50 without fear. Now I’m looking forward to being “respectable” (well, kinda).

See also