Almost Official

7 PAX joined YHC for the soft launch of the first official Saturday AO in Apex! It was a bit chilly, fall is definitely coming soon. At 6:30 we were off towards the flag pole since we didn’t have our shovel flag ready. After a short mosey, disclaimers, and pledge we were ready to roll!

Warm Up:

Mosey over to the baseball field parking lot for:

  • SSH
  • Good Morning (Crimson style, best comedy routine of the morning)
  • Windmills
  • Merkinis (10 OYO)
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Imperial Walkers

Things 1:

  • Dora - 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 Squats

Thing 2:

  • 1/2 mile mosey around the track

Thing 3:

  • 7’s with Star Jumps and Burpees

Thing 4:

  • Step ups, Derkins, and Dips in the shelter


  • PAX called various Mary: American Hammers, Homer to Marge, Dying Cockroaches, Low Slow Flutters, and Box Cutters


  • The new site is going to be good, we stayed in the park today but lots of good options around downtown
  • Due to popular demand, this will be a 45 minute workout starting on Halloween
  • Lots going on in the world, make sure you take time to understand we are all human and a lot more unites us than divides us!
  • Thanks to Two Factor for partner with me to start this new site!

See also