All the Pickles and a few Half Balls

Wild Wild West 11/9/2020

QIC: Flenderson

PAX: Chicken Little, Schlitz, Hamm, Decal

YHC is heeding the call to run the buy-in for the Race for Second Place this weekend and as such warned site Qs this would be as close to High Tempo as could hack. Pickle Appreciation Day was planned out of a want to cover as much ground as possible as stated in the Pre-blast and a need to Q from the six.

First exercise: Start your Strava

Mosey around the pickle in front of the school and around back to the basketball court.

Warm up:

Forward arm circles

Good Mornings

Willie Mays Hayse

Pax were briefed that today would be a series of pickles followed by a roll of the exercise die.

First pickle was straight forward

Second Pickle contained a dozen busses, pax were instructed to side shuffle between busses until they reach the first one that was on. Pax were also to they were free to Karaoke* if they wanted.

The next pickle was done backwards

On the 2nd basketball court we did:

10 Merkins, calf stretch and runners stretch

 The Track was run twice with an exercise after each.

Next few pickles were done standard

At this point Hamm was giggling like a school girl at the possibility of what was next. While YHC had no plans for the half balls in the court yard of the middle school, Hamm’s enthusiasm could not be ignored.

Half Balls:

10 Derkins, 10 Erkins and a few pax experimented with ball merkins(like kettle bell merkins)

Mosey to the start

Seeing my mileage YHC instructed the PAX that we were skipping Mary in favor or more pickles in an attempt to hit the High Tempo mark. Most PAX hit this mark while YHC fell just short at 2.75.


*Don’t call it Karaoke! One site Q corrected YHC that it is carioca and that everyone says it wrong.

*On the track we admired the great view of the stars, which lead to comments about Orion and his the dangle he has going on.