All the lamp-posts

For some PAX, variety is the spice of life. They head out on grand adventures of Q swapping and comb the exicon for new and utterly ridiculous things to do to the human body. However, some of us prefer reliable and routine - like FOD with Beaker at the helm. It is kind of like an old pair of blue jeans. Simple. You know the pair…it has your wallet imprinted in the back right pocket and the threads are worn down where you knife goes in. But don’t mistake simple for ineffective. Just like that threadbare denim your M keeps trying to toss but manages to always find its way back into your drawer, we got the job done today.

Beaker's Beginnings (The Warm-up)Mosey out of the parking lot across the way to the other parking lot for:- Sir Fazio Arm Circles (x10)- Reverse Sir Fazio Arm Circles (x10)- Michael Phelps (x10)Mosey all the way up the hill to the front entrance with butt-kickers, high knees,  side shuffles  mixed inAt the top parking lot, circle up once more for:-Willie-Mays Hayes (x10)-Good mornings (x10) Everyone seemed pretty limber so it was time for the main eventBeaker's Beatdown (The Thang)Pretty simple plan for the day.  Stop at each light post along the route to the other end of the park.-Jog to lamp post 1 and 1 burpee-Bear crawl to lamp post 2 and 2 burpees-Backwards run to lamp post 3 and 3 burpees-Lunge-walk to lamp post 4 and 4 burpees-Freed-to-Lead PAX calls a Mary and holds at post 4 for the six.Once the whole group is together, repeato, repeato.I think we made it to 6 sets = 60 burpees.At the other end of the park was a rock pile and just enough time for curls, presses, rows, etc.The return trip was much faster via the Indian runBeaker's Bellies (The Mary)Mixed in along the way, but you can't have a great day without merkins, so we knocked out 20.That brought us to Have-a-nice-days.  30 count OYO.Beaker's Benediction (The COT)Count-o-rama/Name-o-rama: 14 (4 Respects)Announcements:-Sign up to Q.  Seriously.  Right now.  Too many open slots across the region.-Geek Squad is looking for not-a-$5,000-BMW-but-still-reliable-sub-$5,000-vehicle for his 2.0Prayers:-Swag, his M, his family-Open Out's boss's family (dad passed)YHC took us outBeaker's BS (The NMS)-As we were heading for the ME from warm-up, Geek Squad commented about a prior QI had which he said was deceptively simple but painful.  You're welcome and I couldn't helpsmiling to myself about what was coming next.-Once we launch F3Francia, Pigeon already has his name translated, the rest of you have some work to do-It's Squab-I love the schizophrenia on display when the weather is between 40 and 50.  Below 40, pretty much everyoneis in warm gear, vice versa above 50. But that magic middle is where you have Sky Blue show up dressed forF3KeyWestFL and Open Out dressed for F3GnomeAK.-Layers were shed for days-Nature Boy was dressed for 60-degree weather.  So, sweats and a hoodie-Clementine coined a new phrase, "Defensive Qing".  It's where you don't really want to Q, but you take a slotso that someone else won't.  In Carpex, that almost exclusively applies to Hi-Liter-If you're not at Clementine's VQ at Flying Circus next Thursday, you'll be like the people who almost went to Woodstock,or a guy who can only say he heard about Game 4 of the 2004 ALCS, or the guy sitting on the sidelines as an epic3-hour session of Catan unfolds.-If you don't get the last one, I'm not sure we can be friends-You really should be at Flying Circus on the 17th, I've heard it is the finest AO on a Thursday morning in NW Cary-I'm with Sqatter, this new WordPress stinks.

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