All the hillz

19 HIM gathered at ao-wolverine for a great start to the week with some hill repeats not-so-cleverly disguised as sevens.

Mosey to the Park Village Pool lot for Warm-up:
- Side-straddle-hop, Calf-stretch, Calf-stretch ‘merkin, Hill Billy, Sir Fazio forward and reverse

The Big Thang:

Sevens on the full half-mile hill; burpees at the bottom and squats at the top. Grumbling slowed down as everyone realized just how much fun it is to start their week off right.

The Little Thang:

Mosey back to the Paviliion for some upper body work featuring Dips and Urkins.


Circle up on the Basketball court for LBC, Dying Cockroach, LSF, Box Cutter, ‘Merkin, and finish off with a round of Good Morning.

In COT we prayed for Angry Elf in his soon-to-be departure and Theismann with the loss of his Mother, especially following the recent loss of MIL. Praises for a thriving 2.0 from YHC on a great summer break.

Strong showing for 2ndF at Crema.

See also