All creatures, great and small

So…recently trying to get back in the swing of things, Piranha Park has become a new favorite. I’ve still not had a single drop of Vicious Fishes brews, but I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the Piranha Joe’s offerings. This has become a “go for the 1st F so I can enjoy the 2nd and 3rd F” workouts.

The call went out from Peeping Tom on Thursday afternoon…and it sat there for just a little bit before YHC picked it up.

Piranha Park has had some outstanding Q’s the past few weeks, and I knew I couldn’t live up to those expectations, but I was going to give it a go. As it is a Nature Park, I figured a tour of the animal kingdom was appropriate. Did you know the Exicon has 772 entries in it? And that a LARGE portion of those exercises are animal-related? I did not. Until Friday, when I hatched the workout plan.

Side note; one’s M is usually an excellent judge of what the pax will like. She rightly indicated that the Wall Worm and Boo Boo Bear would not be favorites.

As has become routine my past few times at PP, the EC run in and out is a highlight of the morning. Today was no exception. YHC was joined by SideOut, Theismann, and Earhart, for the 1.6ish mile downhill run in. We glimpsed Triple Lindy as he was navigating likely mile 9 or 10 of his track 20 (80 laps folks, 80 laps).

Arrived on scene to see the pax assembling. Small numbers rapidly increased to 13 total. Brief “disclaimer”, pledge, and we were off.

WU: Run around the pickle towards the shelter with some high knees, butt kickers, carioca left, right, then at the end lunge walk it back near the flag. SSH, GM, Daisy Pickers, a LOT OF MC, so a varietal plankorama 10-count around the circle, followed by a debut of the Mountain Goat (look it up). Not easy, nor a crowd-pleaser. Moving on, we moseyed.

1st half: Out to the disc golf practice pitch (“hey, never been out here” was heard a lot) for Bat Wings, then a mosey over to the shelter for 10-count OYO Creature Merkins.

Mosey down towards the amphitheater for some Raccoon Walks across the stones. Site safety was preassessed for 2/3 of the route…

Then to the booth for Wall Worms. Original plan was to take them laterally around the building, but spacing negated that, so we walked them from BTTW to plank and back up. 5 OYO was plenty.

Mosey to the bridge the long way around, then grab a stationary non-ego rock for a half-Gorilla Complex (8 each of curls for girls, high pulls, shoulder press, tricep extension, merkins, then drop your rock and run to the parking lot and back). Repeato for a total of 4 reps.

Done with that, time to roll to the bridge for crawl crab, crab crawl, then fiddler crab (TM). Not huge fans for the fiddler crab. Recover into Monkey Humpers, then off to the tennis courts.

2nd half: Partner up for Boo Boo bears and running. P1 runs to the far fence and back, P2 is Boo Boo Bear crawling (2 hands, one leg). Flapjack and swap legs. Tough. At the far end, Monkey Jumpers x 10 on my up.

Rolling out of there for a run to the top of the hill at Evans/Apex BBQ (some backwards mixed in). Squat hold at the top, plankorama led by Earhart, then Scorpion Dry Docks L/R at the top. Regroup for a run down to the basketball court and elbowed our way on for Bear Crawl Merkins across and back, followed by Monkey Squats x 10 oyo.

With time expiring, we had one more stop. Back to the bridge, grab a rock, and let’s do 10 Lion Kings on my up. After nearly killing myself on the demonstration (don’t actually let GO of your rock at the top), the pax got the picture. You know, like lifting up Simba…

One minute to go, back to the lot, for 10 Manatees on my up. Like a superman, but an opposite leg/core stretch. And a great way to get covered in pollen.


A few announcements (leadership challenge, hill climb challenge about to fire back up, TCP 4/11 at 2pm, OTB TRM/TRHM next weekend, and another I’m forgetting).

Prayers/Praises for Theismann’s niece’s upcoming proposal (surprise!), for Bolton’s 4-pack this week, for Rooney succumbing to YHC’s invite to the gloom today, and a glorious morning in the park.

YHC led us out with a long-winded prayer, but it was a glorious morning and I felt the Holy Spirit with us. It was my privilege to “lead” y’all this morning. Thanks for your flexibility, and hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.


So, most of the NMS is woven into the above, but…

Y’all are just a fun bunch. I LOVE mumblechatter. Giving it. Getting it. And sometimes controlling it. Lots of chatter EARLY this morning, and a plankorama can really quieten things down. I TOTALLY did not expect to see over 2 miles this morning, and see I got 2.5!

Having been away for almost a year, then falling back in step with you all, is something I do not take for granted. Your acceptance, and willingness to let me try to lead, and push myself (and hopefully you all) is appreciated.

Hope you all Make it a Great Day.

See also