All about the Pride rock … feed off it, be prideful, use it to accelerate, but be humble.

AO: Claymore

Date: 12/17/2019

PAX: CK, Freebird, Frisco, Half Pike, Kwik Stop, Pickles, Press On, Richie Rich, Sputnik, Squatter, WWW

No FNG. Mission, Core Values, and Credo cited. Pledged Our Allegiance to Old Glory.

Mosey around and back to the flag for warm-up.

Warm-up: GM, Sir Fazio, burpees x10 for the shovel flag falling down, calf stretch, CFM x5, more calf stretch, Eskimo Merkins x10.

Mosey to rock pile to get your pride rock (non-traveling rock) and circle up for the thang.

Thang 1:

I Love My Rock routine

  • Rock curls x15
  • Rock rows x15
  • Rock presses x15
  • Rock tricep extensions x15

Rotate to the left 3 rocks and repeat and adding rock squats.

Rotate 2 to the left and repeat and adding rock LBCs.

Mosey around the pickle back to the rocks.

Repeat all the exercises and adding rock over face flutter kicks.

Put the rocks back and mosey around the pickle to the tennis courts for thang 2.

Thang 2:

Introduce a new exercise I created … “Uptown Crawl”. Starting at tennis court #1 in the plank position, do a groiner, hand walk back to plank position and do a merkin. Repeato until you reach the other end of the tennis court #1. Only 5 more to go.

Tennis court #2: Lunge walk to other end of tennis court #2.

Tennis court #3: Squat ankle touch x10. Bear crawl to end of tennis court #3.

Tennis court #4: ABC to the letter M. Duck walk to end of tennis court #4.

Tennis court #5: Six inch reverse crunches x10 IC. Gorilla hop to end of #5.

Tennis court #6: LBC x10 IC. Inch worm to the end.

As we are finishing, Half Pike calls out suicides back to start. I gladly obliged. Suicide all the tennis courts back to the start for thang 3.

Thang 3:

All out to first light pole, burpees x5.

All out to next light pole, burpees x5

All out to the end, burpees x5

Repeato heading back to start.

People’s Chair 10 count down the line.

Mosey back to the flag to circle up for a short Mary. Pulled out Squatter’s favorite 150. Have a nice day.

COR: 11

NOR: A few Respects, some Mehs, and 2.0 x2.

Announcements: Oakwood 24 – Frey Daddy fundraiser for Healing Transition

Prayers / Praises: For all the prayers and praises shared in COT.


It is amazing to have two 2.0s out this morning. Richie Rich EH’d his 1.0 CK to go workout. Great on you Richie!

Also out was Half Pike, Sputnik’s 2.0. These boys killed it.

Pride was the theme. Quote: Pride is a personal commitment. It is an attitude which separates excellence from mediocrity. Author Unknown.

6th Man – Richie Rich … loves to workout with F3.

Q #57 of 52. It is always an honor to be in the gloom with these HIMs. I’m charged to continue to accelerate.

Q #2 of 6 for Birthday / F3-versary week.

See also