All About Preparation

AO: Slippery When Wet

QIC: Staubach

18 Wonderful Pax learned a valuable life lesson today. Preparation and practice is the key to success. I entered the the morning well rested with a perfectly timed and orchestrated plan that both started and ended on time. Many Pax will say Staubach got back from Atlanta very late, had less than 3 hours of sleep and had over 2 hours of exercises planned for the 45 minute time slot…..but do NOT believe the rumors.

Im missing 1 PAX from the list, I had someone twice, please send your name or if you dont see your partner listed, send me their name.

Warm-up – We did a mosey run to the parking lot on Kildaire and Lochmere and Circled UP for some exercises: Good Mornings (5), Side Straddle Hops (20), Hill Billys (10), Sir Fazio Arm Circles (20), Merkins (10), Mountain Climbers (15). _Was very carful not to ask the PAX if they were ready this time._

Thang 1: 11’s that start at the top of the Green Way sign on Kildaire, go down and under the bridge and up the other side. We were focused on building a chiseled chest so we went with Diamond Merkins on the top, and Wide Grip Merkins on the other top. Of course we added a wrinkle where you had to do 5 Burpees every time you went under the bridge. Many of the PAX made it very clear that the number added up to 110 Burpees. Estimated Time 20 Minutes. Actual Time 30 Minutes before stopping all Burpees and calling it quits so that Thang 2 can Happen.

Thang 2: Run to the Stairs and Partner Up. Alternating Plank Holds, and LBC were performed while the other partner did the stairs and loop before tagging out. Scheduled but not executed: American Hammers, WWII Sit ups, Toy Solidgers. Estimated Time 15 Minutes. Actual Time 10 Minutes before we had to sprint back to the post and finish on time.

Thang 3: Canceled…..we did not time.

Overall time: 45 Minutes to Complete. Needed Time 2 hours.

Mary –Have a Nice Day

Prayers: Crimson’s M’s Parent, Sooey and Ausfart’s recovery, Joe Smith’s M for their child

See also