We were all headed out for milk and bread to get us through the Blizzard of 2020, but 14 detoured to Back in Black, hopefully the Ms and 2.0s understand. No FNGs present, the pledge was said, with meaning, and we mosey’d to a parking lot for warmups…

Warmups: SSH, Merkins, Plank Jacks and Good Morning

Partner Catch Me if You Can…5 burpees by partner 1 as partner 2 headed out towards Tryon Road…I hope the PAX each had the pleasure of at least three sets of burpees.

The Thang: A.L.A.R.M. A = Arms (Merkins); L = Legs (Jump Squats); A = Abs (LBCs); R = Run (uh, just run a pickle lap); M = Mountain Climbers. The waterfall parking lot of five segments set up nicely for the PAX to perform three rounds of each exercise on the assigned segments…30, 20, 10.

Mosey back towards the flag, but first some “forward and backward” running out of the parking lot…stop off at another parking lot to paint a few lines and finally everyone headed to the flag.

Mary: Boat-Canoe, American Hammer and Have a nice day.

Announcements: March 21 Burgaw Rebuild crew is still looking for a few good HIM; the service for Forcep’s son is postponed - check Slack for updates. The BRR is coming up - soon.

Prayers/Praises: Sub and his M as he embarks on a small, tiny three week trip to Lithuania for a new job - safe travels, Sub.

Appreciate all the grit I get to witness during workouts!

See also