Al Carmichael & College Football Trivia

Albert Reinhold Carmichael, for whom this Q was named, was an American football player whom “holds the distinction of scoring the first touchdown in American Football League history…”[1]

12 men gathered in the gloom on Friday, Aug 20th at Dazed and Confused to pay tribute via two Al Carmichael-themed exercises. The group convened, heard the F3 mission and disclaimer, and recited the pledge.

Warm up:

Brief mosey, Good Mornings, Sir Fazzios, Reverse-Fazzios, Michael Phelps OYO, Imperial Walkers, and Side Straddle Hops.

Thang 1: The Al Carmichael (20 exercises, followed by 50-100 yard sprint, 20 exercises again, and sprint (or mosey) back the 50-100 years). Repeat 6 times with different exercises. We completed all six rounds with:

  • ‘Mericans.
  • LBCs.
  • Squats.
  • Star jumps.
  • American Hammers.
  • Carolina Dry Docks.

College Football Trivia Question #1: Which single-season college football team is regarded as the greatest team of all time? Heard lots of “Alabama”, “Ohio State”, and other misfits. Come on boys, I’m wearing their color and their logo is on my shorts. Then, the ever-studious Term Paper exclaimed, “The 1995 Nebraska Cornhuskers!” Ding ding ding.[2] Time for the next round.

Thang 2: Al Carmichael Returns

With a partner running the pickle, tradeoff between:

  • Balls to the Wall
  • Squat Hold
  • Aussie Mountain Climbers

Repeat once.

Here @Kitty and @simmons showed up for the fun. @Kitty surprised me with his impressive knowledge of the 1995 Huskers – Tom Osborne, Tommie Frazier, Lawrence Phillips. How does he know all this? Is he, too, a Nebraska fan? Nope. Alas, he’s a Gator fan.[3]

College Football Trivia Question #2: What team has ever won a college football championship three consecutive times? More “Alabama”, “Ohio State”. Trick question – no team has ever won three consecutive college football championships (the Huskers were robbed\[4\])

Thang 3, cause there was spare time:

  • Bear crawl width of parking lot and back
  • Carioca width of parking lot and back
  • Squat walk with of parking lot and back
  • Fast feet (aka, the Butkus, because football) for 15 reps.

A brief, but sweet, sweet Mary, followed by 5 burpees (because.)

Count-a-rama, Name-a-rama, announcements and prayers concerns, and followed by a nice football prayer (recruited out loud, and shouting, by all men in the gloom):

Dear Lord, in the battles we go through life,

    We ask for a chance that’s fair,

    A chance to equal our all our strife,

    A chance to do or dare,

    And if we win, let it be by the code,

    With faith and Honor held high,

    And if we lose, let us stand by the road,

    And cheer as the winners go by.

    Day by Day, we get better and better!

    A team that can’t be beat, WON’T BE BEAT!


Cheers to @dr.suess and @honeycomb. Big, good, life changing events headed their way soon!





See also