
Hey guys, it’s me. Yes, I’ve gotten my passport stamped…again. This week, it’s a trip the legendary Bradford’s Ordinary. I packed a lunch and a bag, and eventually arrived in that glorious location tucked away in the very quaint and bricky beige downtown Cary. Cars in the parking lot indicated guys were either getting in a nap or on an EC run. I honestly don’t know which.

Last night my downtrodden, beloved Tarheels lost a nail-biter in Blaxberg. 79-77 in overtime. To just demonstrate what a complete dumpster fire this season has been, Brandon Robinson is the leading scorer. Now, I love Brandon Robinson. First of all, he’s a Tarheel. He plays hard, and is one of those elusive seniors we don’t see often enough in today’s college basketball. Brandon was unable to play due to lingering effects from a car accident a few days ago. So, not only did Andrew Platek start, but he played 49 minutes. As much as I love Andrew too, if he’s leading your team in minutes played, it’s either a blowout in your favor or things are not going well. Andrew is one of the latest in a long line of “glue” players who are really important to a team, but should never be playing 49 minutes in a single game. Steve Hale, Dante Calabria, Marcus Ginyard…the list could go on and on.

The reason I mention Andrew Platek is that he had the misfortune of launching a 3 point attempt, in the first half last night, that met nothing but air. A classic airball. So from there on out, every time Andrew touched the ball, there were very audible chants of “airball”. Congrats on the win, Brett. You were chanting airball to Andrew Platek.

Warm up

14 HIMs ran to the big intersection circle and did SSHs, Sir Fazio forward and back, overhead claps, burpees, Steve Earles, plank jacks, and CF merkins.

The Thang

Mosey, taking a different route, to the big water fountain. Do 15-10-5 reps of L/R step ups, Dips, and Mike Tysons.

Partner up for a Dora around the fountain pickle. Exercises are Merkins x 100, V-ups x 200, and Steve Earles x 300. Every time you run by the fountain, complete 5 wall-jump burpees.

Mosey back to the flag


LS flutters, American Hammers, Hello Dolly, Have a nice day


Buncha HIMs…remember the KKC sign up. Quite a few prayer requests - remember our brother Cataracts having shoulder surgery today. YHC took us out.


  • Bart couldn’t make it to talk smack this morning. True HIDA nonetheless
  • Nothing more ironic than a dude in CARY driving his truck over parking barriers. Great stuff
  • Shutty is batting 1.000 in capturing The Captain for a workout. The gauntlet is thrown down, Ripper
  • Speaking of the Captain, strong pajama pant game
  • Old Maid shared that he once had a bad incident where he didn’t jump quite high enough onto a wall. Hence, a little hesitation with the wall jump burpees. Here’s the secret - jump a little higher than you need to. You’re welcome
  • Disco Duck won the best dressed competition
  • MIAGD - and be just a little better than you were yesterday!

See also