Agility City: High-Tempo Style

Finally got to Q the AO known as Kryptonite, which is listed on the F3Carpex site as “high tempo”.   That being said, it has always been unclear to me what “high tempo” exactly means in a F3 workout.  Oh, YHC has been to quite a few of “high tempo” F3 workouts, including Kryptonite and F3 Raleigh’s Whiplash.  Yes, the aforementioned “high tempo” workouts are without question more physically straining, but are they really high tempo?  Most recent example was this past weekend at F3 Raleigh’s Whiplash.  The PAX were to perform “11’s”:  start at bottom of a gigantic hill (~ 1/4 mile hill): 1 burpee at bottom, run up said hill, at top 10 squats and 10 pull ups, ….and so on.  Dayum, it was hard.  High tempo?  Debatable.  What we did do that day at Whiplash, and what we usually do at Kryptonite, is run a lot of miles.  From my experience, the F3 “high tempo” workouts seem to be analogous for “high mileage” workouts.  This never became more apparent that at a recent Whiplash Q by @oldmaidcarpex.  Old Maid was razzed for not amassing, according to the PAX, the minimal requirement of covering at least 3.1 miles during the workout (geez, the total was 3.05, for real!).  At a recent Kryptonite workout, Largemouth “accidentally” led us 4.4 miles….while performing exercises along the way……in 46 minutes.  Crickies!  I garnered another definition of “high tempo” when I attended a Kryptonite workout led by @burtcarpex.  Burt basically called cadence and exercises in a much louder tone of voice than usually… short, he yelled the whole time.  But hey, that made it high tempo in his mind’s eye.  hahahahahaha!  In summary, I guess it’s Freed To Lead when it comes to defining “high tempo” during a F3 workout. Today, I was out to show the boys that high tempo doesn’t have to mean high mileage or high volume yelling.  Today I attempted to smoke the PAX with Agility City: High Tempo Style!

When 5:30 a.m. chimed in the VIP lot, the temp was 43 F.  Side note: a @hermescarpex SlackMe post at 5:25 a.m. noted that he was the only PAX in the lot. hahaha!!!  Anyhoo, we all showed up by 5:29, except of course @flouride, who is always…as he puts it…“fashionable late”.  YHC personally doesn’t think Flouride is fashionable, but whatever. Many PAX left the tights at home and showed off their pasty wintry legs.  First exercise to get the PAX’s minds right: Reaction-Action for about 10 reps.  That seemed to get the juices flowin’ pretty good.  Jog over to what is known as the Preferred Parking Lot for the warm-up.

Warm-Up all performed in perfect cadence:  SSH x 20, GM x 8, Fazios x 5 forth and retro, PJ x 10 —->x 15 merkins.  Jog another ~50 yd for high knees, butt kicks, side skips, cariocas.

Thang: 1.  Each man parking space.  Traveling fast feet for the 3 lines of the parking space, then 5 burpees.  Repeato x 3 spaces.  Then, Flamingo Hop-and-Hold for 1 hop/hold 5 sec, x ~10 reps on right leg, then x 10 reps left leg (quite a few balance impairments noted).  Men get in  2 lines for a run to what is known as the Public Parking lot.

2.  Alternating cutting drills with tempo runs.  Cutting drills were performed utilizing 2 lines of 5 cones staggered 8 yards apart.  Men staggered exercises during the cutting: sumo squats, traveling plank merkins.  Tempo runs were about .3 to .4 mile range except for the last run. a.  45 degree cutting x 3 sets.  High tempo Indian Run. b.  Forward-Retro cutting x 3 sets.  High tempo Bataan Death March with HRM x 5. c.  Side shuffle cutting x 3 sets.  High tempo Indian Run. d.  Euro step hop cutting x 3 sets.   High temp Bataan Death March with squats x 5.

3.  Suicide sessions: 5 cones, 5 yd apart. a.  Coordination suicides.  Facing backward performing a said quickness/exercise (MC Hammers, tandem quick feet, LBCs, Homer2Marge.  When Q calls “Kryptonite”, PAX performs forward-retro suicides with all cutting on right foot.  Next set suicides all cutting on left foot.  Next two sets all forward. Nipplers while collecting cones.

4.  Jog back to Preferred Parking Lot.   Once at Preferred Parking Lot, perform one set of Go-Gos over ~40 yd:  PAX sprint forward and on Q command, sprint backward; continue until Q calls ‘finish’.   **fun fact: I do like the song We Got The Beat by the Go-Gos Jog back to VIP lot with some Jody Calls along the way—the PAX played along nicely with this too.

Mary:  Adductor/Hamstring stretch

COT Count-a-rama and Name-a-rama: 11 men (4 respects)

Announcements:   @hermescarpex had announcements for daayyyzzz, including Dads camping trip. Prayer requests:  none spoken today BOM:  YHC took us out

Nekkid Mole Skin:

  • It was obvious a few of the men had a full afternoon and evening of watching NFL playoffs.  @burtcarpex reeked of cheap beer and cheap wings.  He clearly had some dried wing sauce on the corner of his upper lip, as well as a dab on his chin.  just embarassing.  Also, @termpapercarpex had the obvious odor of a @riptidef3 greenhouse; think I whaffed a hint of bourbon in his sweat too.   @djvtec GTL did not stink, but it was fun to yell “What’s that smell”?, and the PAX answer “GTL”!
  • Watching the respects perform and crush all the agility drills was awesome!  I just hope I can still do that when I grow up too.
  • After the dust cleared, I’m not so sure YHCs version of ‘high tempo’ was any more valid than others.   I mean, we kept it moving the whole time, but was it ‘high tempo’?.  No idea how many miles, but def low miles maybe 2, but high on Agility.
  • The Raleigh Whiplash chums would have def scoffed at this workout as ‘high tempo’.  I can hear Chippendale now, “the only thing that was high tempo was them Carpex boys mouths”.

good times, Flip Flop

See also