Against the Wind

YHC asked about the Dante’s Peak mileage record last week. An innocent question, and not expected to turn into a thing. But since Sooey had the Q the week before me, he took it as a challenge and ran us 3.3 miles. Now it’s up to YHC to top that. Let’s see how we did.


Mosey over to end of the parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, copperhead squats, planks jacks and copperhead merkins.

The Thang

Run up the hill, squat it out, copperhead squats x 10.

Run down to the basketball court, plank it out, copperhead merkins x 10.

Run up the hill, squat it out, copperhead squats x 10.

Run down to the circle, plank it out, copperhead merkins x 10.

Mosey to the other end of the parking lot, squat it out, copperhead squats x 10.

Mosey over to the rock pile and grab an ego rock.

Rock your body without the squat (curl + overhead press + tricep extension) x 10.

Lap around the pond.

Rock your body without the squat x 10.

Lap around the pond (other direction).

Rock your body without the squat x 10.

Lap around the pond.

Put your rock back and mosey back to the parking lot, copperhead squats x 10.

Mosey over to the beautiful soccer field, line up on the sideline for sevens. Cross the field by going 95% the first half, slow mosey the second half. Burpees on one end, star jumps on the other.


Circle up on the field for Freddie Mercurys, LBCs, American hammers, dying cock-a-roaches and Have A Nice Day.


Count-a-rama:  23 Name-a-rama:  1 RESPECT, 21 meh, 1 HATE Prayers / Praises:  Prayers for the PAX and 2.0’s going camping this weekend. BOM:  YHC took us out


We finished with 2.7 miles, that’s a lot of running, but not enough to catch Sooey. Way to go, Sooey, that was a fun and unexpected challenge.

Welcome FNG Journey! He earned that name because he’s Air Supply’s 2.0, and as we determined after a quick debate, Journey is the exact opposite of Air Supply.

At one point YHC called copperhead squats then got in the merkin position. This confused the PAX until I told them don’t listen to what I say, listen to what I mean.

If we round my 2.7 up, and round Sooey’s 3.3 down, we tied. No, no, no, Sooey beat me fair and square.

Sooey’s was longer, but mine was harder.

YHC posted a poll on Slack to see what the PAX wanted today. The choices were Challenge the mileage record, Challenge the burpee record, Both, Vanilla, and Bob Seger. Bob Seger won, as he always should. Some PAX wondered what copperheads and hills and rocks and burpees have to do with Bob Seger. My intention was that the beatdown would be so thorough and so brutal at the end you’d be thinking, “Wish I didn’t know now what I didn’t know then.”

Still running against the wind. Thanks for letting me lead today, that was a fun one.

See also