After the rain, the Turks come out

Long time participant, second time Q, first time back-blaster (yeah, I know).  Twas the night before Wolverine and all through the house, not a creature was stirring but the roof might have come off from that ridiculous Summer storm in Spring.

YHC had a plan at 4pm that involved the soccer field

Mother Nature to YHC: Ha ha ha ha ha….

9:15 Sunday night (wind whipping, lightning everywhere…)

YHC to M: I’m headed to bed, gotta Q in the morning. M: Are you out of your mind?  Why are you going to workout in weather like this? YHC (UF 4th quarter song runs through head): In all kinds of weather.., hon. M: What am I supposed to tell your kids when you get washed away on the way there? YHC: Check out the insurance policy

Well, if we can’t do soccer field four corners and the PAX generally don’t like to get soaked on a Monday morning, what to do? What to do?  I know, Turkish Getups!!  Yeah, that’s a good start…

YHC rolls up on Wolverine 10 minutes early to find out what that track is going around the upper field…is it paved?  Why yes, yes it is…ok, we’re good.

WARMUP Wolverine kickoff: Pledge of allegiance

Circle up for 10x each Good Morning (you can have a nice day without a good morning), Cotton Pickers, Hillbilly, Windmill…and there was a fifth one….what was that?  Oh well, not important…yet.

Follow me around the field; Flacco, how about you hang back and get some L-R step ups in?  Gotta take care of that knee.  Disco, nice job keeping Flacco company.  Mosey half way round, line up for Indian Run back.  Going good until…Biner, where you going bro? The track goes this way, not to the field.  Pick up Flacco and Disco, meet up in parking lot corner.

THE THANG Original plan included rocks then Mother Nature said, eh?  New plan includes rocks…

Partner up, rock size matters (get something beefy)

DORA 1-2-3; Partner 1: 100 Rock yo body, 200 Turkish Getup; 300 Squats.  Little bit o’ chatter about the getups…can’t be all that bad, can it?  Partner 2: Run around the pickle.  Some dry asphalt, no rain…looking good.  Rockin’ body’s done…took a little longer than usual but good so far.  Then the getups…OMG the getups.  YHC is pretty sure the average was 11 getups per lap….200 is a long way away and who wants to do 300 squats after 200 getups?  Audible…but to what?  Oh yeah! That was the fifth warm-up…Plank jacks.

All PAX finished up.  Disco calls out 6:07.  Put the rocks back, mosey back to the start.  Hi-liter reminds YHC we’ve got some time and pulls the site Q card:  bear crawl down the pickle, mosey back.  All good, circle up for PAX defined Mary.  First up Bogo for Freddy Mercs; Second up: Disco for Dieing Cockroach; Third is Pivot for Homer to Marge..


Count-a-rama: 9 Name-a-rama: 1 RESPECT, 8 meh

Pretty quiet bunch this morning

Announcements: Disco reminded us of Bible study at Starbucks this morning

Prayer request:  Hi-liter’s dad is still fighting complications from his illness.  There was another but YHC can’t seem to recall it.

BOM: Shank took us out.

PS: For those who can’t make it to Starbucks, Coffeeteria at Crema. PAX: Biner, Hi-liter, Napster, Bogo, Pivot


Biner figured out where the path was…eventually.  Solid performance co-Site-Q!

Disco still fighting off a wrist tweak from last Friday so he was a big fan of THE THANG.  Especially the getups.

Breath-taker Russell took a break during the Turks.  Something about 200 is a lot.

Hi-liter working to get out of the knee braces.  Seems a quart of coffee at Crema lubes up the joints.

Nice work today gentlemen.  Thanks for the support!

See also