After the Hurricane

A beautiful night in down town Cary. The feels like temperature was below 90 and the humidity was at 61%. A eager PAX arrived, well they weren’t that eager. Chatter at the beginning was to run to Bond and call it a workout. It was too nice to not enjoy a bootcamp with coupons. 2 minute warning, no FNG, Mission, and Pledge.

  • Warm Up:

    • Mosey around campus.

    • Abe Vigoda’s/Good Evenings

    • Sir Fazio’s/Shoulder stretch

    • MountainClimbers/Calf stretch

    • Get a block

  • Thang 1Blocks & Ramps 

    • Gorilla Complex: With a cinder block 8 Curls For Girls, 8 High Pulls, 8 Overhead Presses, 8 Tricep Extensions, then drop coupon for 8 Merkins.   Up the ramp stopping at each turn to repeat, down the stairs. Take blocks to lower fountain
  • Thang 2:  Core: Hurricane Hoedown
    Hurricane Hoedown with coupon: Flutter kick circuit performed in cadence: 7 IC Seated Flutter Kicks with block raised in Hallelujahs. 7 IC slightly reclined flutter kicks with block in front. Move immediately to 7 IC normal flutter kicks with block extended over head. Move immediately to 7 IC LBC Flutter kicks with block raised above head. Rinse and repeat in cadence ladder 7,6,5,4,3,2,1 PAX helped call out IC to give YHC a breather.

  • Thang 3Blocks &  Run

    • Bring block with you.  Cusak, as desired, between stations.
    • Up the stairs, at the top: 20 lunges w/ coupon
    • Down the ramp: 20 Pole Dancers
    • Stop 1: 20 Merkins
    • Stop 2: 20 CDD
    • Stop 3: 20 IC LBC’s w/ coupon
    • Top of Hill: 20 Squats w/ coupon
    • Inchworm Block Rock Slider to parking lot island
    • Bears & Blocks end of parking lot
    • Return Blocks and mosey to grassy area with 2 piece horse.
  • Thang 4Core: Captain Thor

    • Captain Thor: Ab exercise done in a 1:4 ratio. 1 big boy sit up to 4 American Hammers. Repeato building up to 5:20. PAX took turns calling out IC.
  • Mary

    • Peter Parker
    • Crunchy Frogs: Press-On
    • Mountain Climbers: Burt
    • Something like a Parker Peter can’t remember the name: Kermit
  • Count off: 7 PAX: 3 Respects, 3 Meh’s, and 1 Hate.
    Prayers: Those impacted my the hurricane, especially McCants. Disco’s M having surgery. Unspoken.
    NMS: It was a great group tonight. Lots of mumble chatter with Burt and the Captain, loved all of it. Excellent 2F provided by Press On. Nice way to end the workout. Learned: -Pro MS Caulk IS paintable; -new restaurant coming to Waverly: Chicken Salad Chick. High praise from Riptide and a place for the sandwich king Burt to visit; - WRAL weather is the best viewing, it may be accurate too…; - The Hurricanes are in the playoffs; and Press On must have a wide range of beverages in his fridge. Riptide “accidentally” broke his block setting it on the grass; hmmm…

See also