Adventures in Apex

It was forecast to be very cold, but we braved only low thirties at Dante’s Peak on Friday. Seven HIM warmed up the area with a classic warm-up of Hillbillies, Imperial Walkers, Side-straddle Hop, Calf Stretches and of course Good Mornings.

We moved immediately to a wonderful round of sevens with Burpees at the bottom and squats at the top of the hill offering brief chance for recovery.

In the primary park parking lot, we made four rounds of four corners: Merkins, Freddy Mercury, Lunge (or jump lunch or, as Clockwork would have it double time quick feet), and jump squat.

Finally, off to the pavilion for a quick circuit of dips, urkins, and durkins, repeated four times. Accounting for the moseys, we snuck in just in time to end at 45:00, as the cold rain began to pick up.

See also