Acid for the Children

Roll up with 90 seconds to spare. Plenty of time to put the sneakers on and maybe even lace them up!

No shovel flag? No bother. Just pledge to the tallest shovel flag in all of CARPEx over the fire station next door.

Mosey over for Warmup in the gravel lot that is the Apex Farmer’s Market.


  • Let’s start slow to give me time to come up with something. What’s nice and easy and requires no brain cells?
  • GMs….perfect! Until half the PAX isn’t paying attention…
  • 5 burpees OYO. Cadence improved.
  • IM x10 plus 5 burpees OYO. The Q’s stature is secure
  • Some other stuff as well. I remember 30 SSHs and some merkins. Maybe MCs?

Whatever it all was, we were warmed up.

Mosey to some other random location. Caught up with Banjo en route. Glad to hear he and his daughter got to catch up and that she is full up on groceries and RHCP paraphernalia.

Thang 1

There’s a church or community building south of DTA that has a nice small pickle and strong, stiff columns just like YHC likes them. PAX paired up. While PAX 1 rounded the pickle, PAX 2 partook in BTTW to failure followed by 10 merkins. Repeato until PAX 1 returned. Pickles were done in bear crawl… lunge walk… gorilla hop format. Or at least that was the goal.

Caught up with Yahoo. Some conspiracy theorizing was done about Putin’s chances in the Ukraine.

There’s only one thing that gasses the PAX faster than gorilla hops. More on these later.

Thang 2

Mosey past DTA heading north. Caught up some with Pet Sounds. Healing up nicely. Found some curbs by the police department.

  • 10 IC quick feet + 15 IC dips + 20 dirkins
  • 15 IC quick feet + 15 IC dips + 15 dirkins
  • 20 IC quick feet + 15 IC dips + 10 dirkins

Thang 3

13 minutes left still?!? Egon requested diamond merkins. Ask and you shall receive my friend!

Sets of mary followed by sets of merkins:

  • Freddy Merk + diamond merkins
  • Flutter kicks + wide grip merkins
  • Offset left merkins + L/R heal touches
  • Offset right merkins + heals to heaven

It is very possible none of the above were paired together. They were all done though.

10 ct chillcut around the PAX

Mosey back to the start. Caught up with Chicken Little a bit.


As I said.. only one thing gasses the PAX (ie me) more than gorilla hops and that’s chasing rabbits.

  • 10 IC Chasing rabbits + LBC
  • 10 IC Chasing rabbits + H2M
  • 10 IC Chasing rabbits +


  • 17. Started with 16. Rock Lobster did a nice job sneaking in.
  • Prayers and praises for Yahoo. Date is set. All eyes on May 12!


Looking forward to sloooooowly reading my Polish copy of Acid for the Children, Banjo. Thanks!

Decal inspired today’s beatdown because he did last week what I last minute decided I wanted to do this week. So I even laster minute decided to do something different. Thanks buddy. The PAX seemed tired. It was a good morning.

Lucky Charms was there. Pet Sounds made sure to let everyone know.

Rock Lobster was also there. He did not let anyone know. Penalty burpees were done regardless.

See also