Accountability Revisited

Accountability - sign up for the Q slot after a long week out of town to ensure that you post.

Accountability revisited - repeat of before, so why not repeat the workout. Hard to believe that we did this back in February 2018 the first time. There were several modifications though since was my first running Q after recovery and with Green Mile down the road our hi tempo guys had an additional option.

After a slight detour from the Town of Cary upgrading the senior center parking lot, we planted the flag at the community center. 6:30 and we’re off! Quick lab around parking lot just in case we had any late arrivals and then run down to parking lot at the far end of the park.

Warm up:

  • Good morning
  • Mountain climbers
  • Plank jacks
  • Sir Fazio arm circles
  • Merkins


Partner up for catch me if you can with 5 squats from the parking lot to the other side of the park ending at the stop sign.

Indian run to the kiosk.

Thing 2:

7’s with merkins and squats. Split into two groups, one group up the hill for merkins and the other group down the hill towards the boat house for squats. Stop at the kiosks for 10 x LBC as you pass.

Thing 3:

Mosey over to the rock pile. Partner 1 grab a rock for curls and presses while partner 2 runs to the top of the stairs. Flip flop. Two groups mosey back, one hares and one tortoises. 


  • Homer to marge
  • Pet sounds special - Catalina wine makers
  • Dying cockroaches 

And with that we were done.


  • Expect to do some running when Sooey has the Q!
  • Thanks to my Phoenix brothers for the support as I recovered the last 5 months! 
  • Accountability is key! Make sure to keep you shield lock strong!

See also