Accountability 2020

The new year brings new goals. YHC has not been very good at stepping up to Q as often as I should. So, what do you do about it? You get an accountability partner and make a pack. So, for 2020, YHC and my accountability partner @Deuce will hold each other accountable to Q at least once a month. In that vain, January kicks off the accountability pack with a Co-Q at Dazed and Confused. Good times were had…..

No FNGs….Allegiance was pledged….Off we go…..

YHC leads the PAX on roughly a quarter mile jog to get the blood moving.
@Deuce leads the PAX through a series of warmups.
Good Morning
Sir Fazios
Calf Stretches
Plank Jacks

Thang 1
Dora 1, 2, 3
Partner up
100 merkins
200 LBCs
300 squats
Control Freak Merkins
Burpees * 10 for fun

Thang 2
Mosey to basketball courts
Partner 1 BTTW
Partner 2 Suicides, Flapjack
Partner 1 Merkins AMRAP
Partner 2 Suicides, Flapjack
Bear Crawls
Burpees * 15 for fun

@Deuce leads the mary and @Hello Kitty and @Pet Sounds showed up after a morning run.
YHC closes us out.

@Natureboy’s family traveling north
@Hello Kitty lifted up little Riley who is battling serious health issues

@Deuce is part of YHC’s shield lock. We will hold each other accountable all year.
Always a pleasure to work with @Deuce and to lead such a fine group of men.

See also