
YHC made a last minute decision to lead Phoenix as a way to be accountable to show up and not fart sack. It is always fun to lead such a strong group of PAX!

Nice weather and great way to start the weekend. At 6:30 sharp we were off to the far parking lot near fields 6 and 7 for our warm up.

Warm Up:

  • SSH x 15 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
  • Arm circles x 10 IC
  • Reverse arm circles x 10 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x 10 IC
  • Merkins x 20 OMD

Thing 1:

Partner up for catch me if you can with 5 burpees from the parking lot to the other side of the park ending at the stop sign.

Indian run to the kiosk.

Thing 2:

11’s with merkins and squats. Split into two groups, one group up the hill for squats and the other group down the train towards the boat house for merkins. Stop at the kiosks for 10 x LBC as you pass.

Running low on time, called an audible with about 4 sets left for an Indian run to the rock pile near the dam.

Thing 3:

Set of:

  • curls x 10 IC
  • overhead press x 10 OMU
  • tricep extensions x 10 IC
  • rock rows x 10 IC

Shift two to the right and repeato.

Finally, run back to the flag. Group 1 going as fast as they wanted and group 2 mosey.


A group of HIM that decided to take the easy way out and run where back at the flag waiting for us.

  • Hi-liter lead us as our guest Q for Mary
  • Partner up for:
    • American Hammers x 25 and Imperial Walkers. Swap.
    • Low slow flutter x 25 and high kicks. Swap.
    • Freddy Mercury x 25 and Imperial Walkers. Swap.


  • Callahan’s friend son Luke is home after chemo. Prayers for Luke to continue to be cancer free.
  • Prayers for Hi-liter and his family as they figure out next phase for his dad.
  • Prayers for Green Hope student and YHC’s co-worker son who committed suicide. Hug your kids and be there for them!


  • If you have a chance to go to Coffeeteria, go. It is so much fun to meet the crew outside of the workout. And learn their hospital names, right Andrew?
  • Shutty - thanks for coming out for coffeeteria while on IR. You never know what you might learn right? Now everyone is asking about broccoli.
  • Congrats to WWW for his first 6 pack. Strong work! Enjoyed working out with you for 4 of those!
  • Best way to ensure you’ll make a work out is to sign up to Q. Keep that in mind when you need some motivation.
  • We hit 3.89 miles according to my apple watch. If you don’t like to run and I am Q’ing you may want to Q shop.
  • With the weather improving, I hope to keep seeing more PAX out. Also, take some time to go travel to other sites that may be in other parts of Carpex. Dantes Peak is always a good option :)

Thanks for the opportunity fellas. Enjoyed it!

See also