ABC is supposed to be 26 letters not 28

AO: Dante’s Peak

Date: 1/10/20

PAX: Compound W, Beef Cake, Water Wings, Two Factor, Monkey Nut, Puddles, Track Star, Parker, Slim Shady, Hotspot, Cataracts, Hotty Toddy, WWW

Life is always a positive when you wake up in the morning and get yourself prepared to post in the gloom. We had 13 HIMs show up for some fun. No FNG. F3 Mission, F3 Core Values, F3 Credo, and Pledge of Allegiance to Old Glory was recited. Off we go to the warm-up area. 

Warm-ups: GM, Sir Fazio, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Calf Stretch with Eskimo Merkins.

QIC/YHC led the HIMs back to his truck to retrieve 3 sand bags which would be switched off at the halfway mark to the thang starting point. YHC directed the PAX who did not have a sandbag to select a non-traveling rock. We circled up to begin the thang.

The goal was to keep the PAX together for the camaraderie and the mumblechatter which was well taken. QIC called out the thang.

Thang 1 (3 rounds):

Station 1 (3 rounds): Burpee rock your body with non-traveling rock (8-9-10). Rotating at QIC’s request for others to take advantage of the sandbag.

Station 2:

R1: Squat palm touch & CFM

R2: Alternating Lunges

R3: ABC (28 letters)

Station 3:

R1: Pull-ups (5 - 10)

R2: Toes to bar (5 – 10)

R3: Knees to elbow (10)

For those waiting for the bar to open up, QIC or designate led the HIMs in ab exercises until all were done.


Feet 6” hold with multiple abs exercises to Ozzie Osborne’s Bark at the Moon

CoR: 13

NoR: Respect (2), meh (11)

Announcements: Skipper’s 2020 D.E.S.


We had a car drive by to end the work out which was right on queue. I actually paid for that. (NOT)

6-Man: Puddles. Started November 2018. Saw the camaraderie within the group and wanted to be a part of it. It has kept him accountable since.

Q #1 of 52. I enjoyed Q’ing last year that I wanted to set that same goal … Q an average of 1 a week. If I get more Q’s, it is a plus for me.

See also