A Well Balanced Beatdown

The Green Mile is a great location to meet up in the gloom and workout. Though, with it being one of the longest, I felt it could be one of the more challenging bootcamps to lead, especially when the factor of heat is brought into the equation. So YHC considered it a great honor to come out and Q it, and one that I took very seriously. The weather started out very nice, and stayed nice really through the entire time!

11 pax gathered at the flag at 0600 hours. 4 pax ran off into the yonder and I was told at the end they covered roughly 8 miles. Nice! The other 7 were raring to go, so a minute or two later we recited the Pledge and were off and running!

Warm Up:

Run to the first set of stairs

  • Good Morning
  • Daisy Pickers
  • SSH
  • Hillbillies
  • Mtn. Climbers (YHC did Plank Jacks.. cause thats totally the same thing..)
  • Calf Stretches

Thang 1 – 11’s (Arms)

At stairs do 10 Merkins to 1 Carolina Dry Dock

Thang 2 – 11’s (Core)

Run to the stairs near the buses, 10 Straight Arm Am. Hammers to 1 Heels to Heaven

Thang 3 – 11’s (Legs)

Run to Soccer field, 10 Squats to 1 Star Jump

Thang 4 – Burpee Suicides

Pretty self explanatory. We used the islands in the specific area of the parking lot to do this routine. Increasing 1 burpee at each island of course. This one was got pretty rough near the end.

Thang 5 – Wall and Benches

Divide into pairs. Group 1 stays at the wall, Group 2 runs to the benches, then switch.

Round 1: Group 1 – BTTW. Group 2 – Dips

Round 2: Group 1 – People’s Chair. Group 2 – Alt. Left Right Step Ups

Round 3: Group 1 – Chilcutt. Group 2 – Pickle Pounders

Indian Run back to the flag.

Thang 6 – Bring Sally Up

Song normally with done all with Merkins. I modified it with Boat Canoes as well.


  • Dying Cockroach
  • Homer to Marge
  • WWII
  • Superman
  • Peter Parkers
  • Pamela Andersons

May have done one or two more

We finished out with Stretching.

COT – 15 Pax


Carrying Place tomorrow


Parker’s dad

All the kids going back to school, namely Biner and BOGO’s

YHC took us out.

See also