A Vanilla Birthday Bomb

I tried.  Really, I did.  I posted to Slack that it would be a workout devoid of anything interesting.  There would be nothing to encourage anyone to show up.  But people did anyway.  13 stalwarts with absolutely nothing else to do this morning yawned there way through an utterly vanilla workout.  I was kinda hoping to stand around till 6 AM and then hit the Starbucks but at some point someone said, “Hey, is there anything going on in the park?”  Then we started running past a locked gate BTW into the park.  We circled up and everyone stared at me as if I may have something to say.  I mumbled something like:

10 x SSH

After which Nature Boy reminded me it was incumbent on me to make sure everyone had a good morning so:

10 x Good Mornings

16 x (i think) slow motion merkins in cadence count.  Full count down then full count up

10 sir frazio arm circles forward, 10 reverse.

At this point, I was ready for a nap but someone wanted to know if the lights were on at the picnic shelters.  I didn’t know which way to go so off we went to the back of the park.  BTW - the lights were on and someone said ‘Thats the BOMB".  Next thing I know I have a partner and we are running pickles and:

B - 50 Burpees

O - 100 Overhead claps

M - 150 merkins

B - 200 big boy situps

S - 250 squats

I’ll toss this out there right now - I can’t count.  I think we did everything but as time was drawing nigh, I called an audible and as a group we finished with 10 strong squats and slowly started making our way out of the park.  Light pole to light pole.

Start at the edge of the parking like and starting at 6, do descending SSH on every other light pole.  BTW Chedder-Bo, the light poles aren’t actually lit.  But I suppose this is where you tell me you work for Cary not Apex.

The PAX run through some plank fun to wait on the six - thank you very much - and we are up into the parking lot closest to the entrance.

A quick All-You-Got to the end of the parking lot and an easy mosey back and circle up on your six for:

Box Cutters, American Hammers, LBC’s and Have A Nice Day.


  • Sign up for The Odyssey on Oct 20.  (big red button on the F3carpex.com web page)
  • Last chance to turn in Band Aids is Wednesday
  • VQ week is NEXT WEEK!  It’s easy!  Come Get You Some!
  • Hot Spot is sorta, kinda looking for someone to run the Tuna 200, maybe.  If you can run the BRR…


  • Hot Spot’s Dad is healing well!  He is taking short walks without his walker
  • Red Ryder’s son is healing well from his auto accident


  • Carpex has a STRONG continuing Q school education program!  It appears I may have left out a few commands…
  • VQ pro tip - Calling BOMBS will take about 22 minutes out of a 45 min workout but there is A LOT of counting
  • Red Ryder was there and Theisman has long legs.
  • According to my fitbit, my resting bpm is one less than my age.  Thank you CARPEX.  This group is life changing.
  • Thank you everyone for a fantastic start to my day.  Tonight I eat Carrot Cake!

See also