A Tour of Downtown Cary

It was a lovely, cool, sunny morning in the heart of Cary.  So cool that HGTV flirted with the idea of long sleeves…on tank top Thursday.  The cheek!  A stern look from Burt brought him to heel.  Burt’s briefcase of tanks was almost not needed, but alas, a rucker and a Raleigh guy needed the dressing room.  The Q was delayed 30 seconds as Boucher put on a fashion show.  YHC mumbled something about “This is F3, don’t get hurt” and we did the Pledge of Allegiance.  Then I announced “Follow me” and we were off. 

First stop, naturally, was the brick square in front of Fidelity Bank.  Also known as, “the downtown Cary financial district”.  OK, well, I *know* we need to do a warm up but I’m bored of warm-ups.  And I have a mouth ulcer, so the idea of cadence counting through a round of exercises gave me pause.  So we did something else.  

Pair up and AMRAP the called exercise while your partner runs around the bank then flip flop.  

  • Side straddle hop

  • Sir Frazio Arm Circles forwards

  • Sir Frazio Arm Circles Back

  • Good Mornings

  • Hillbillies

The PAX, as always, embraced this change as if all along, they too felt a void during warm ups.  This was the balm to grinding pain forced upon them by endless warmups of cadence counts.  Their chief concern was if we would simply do this the entire workout.  Their lack of faith in YHC was palpable.  

After the Hillbillies, we moseyed over to the Cary Theatre District.  Burt tried to start a conversation about the proper pronunciation of the word “theatre” but alas, debate was not on the hearts of the PAX.  

Once behind the theatre, in our pairs, we did a little Dora 1, 2, 3.

100 merkins

200 Squats

300 LBC’s

The pickle was a lap around the theatre.  Good Times!

After we finished up we moseyed through the Cary Industrial District and into the Cary Historical District.  YHC found a nice section of grass for us to do Jack Webbs.  Term Paper was not impressed.  He said, “the grass is too long”.  On the other hand Calahan suggested, “The grass tickles my nipples”.  Obviously there was a debate among the PAX about length.  We started the Jack Webbs.

*sigh*  This is where YHC was chastised (correctly) by Term Paper.  My Jack Webb form did not have enough *EMPHASIS*.  I would like to point out that the Father of the Jack Webb, Burt, was extending YHC much grace over my form.   At 8 Jack Webbs, with proper form, I bailed in search of a hill.  Naturally Term Paper has something to say about not going to 10.

Form up at the bottom of the church parking lot for Jacobs Ladder - I did not want to risk the ire of Callahan by calling 7’s.  He hates that shit.  Hmmm, we haven’t done burpees yet so:

Up the hill, one burpee, down the hill, two burpees, up the hill three burpees….

You get the picture.  

Up to the grassy knoll beside the Columbarium in Term Paper approved grass we finished our Jack Webbs.  Term paper ALSO received the DMOTD from Burt by calling one more Jack Webb.  Yes, we went to 11.

Quick circle up in the parking lot for PAX called Mary and we were done.


  • TCPSawGrass on Sunday - Check Slack

  • July 4th Convergence on July 3rd at Bond Park 

Prayers -

  • Boucher trying to find managers in other countries

  • Burt lifted up a couple of friends who had family members pass away

  • YHC lifted up the Bradsher’s and the death of Delaine

  • Any and all unspoken prayers


  • I love Q’ing BO.  It is a rich environment with lots of things to do
  • I enjoyed the “AMRAP warm-up on the run”  I expect I will do that again
  • Trunk coffee is THE BEST 2nd F
  • Grouchy Pants Term Paper is still my favorite Q
  • Thank you for tolerating my Q this morning.  I enjoyed it, I hope you did too.

See also