A Tortoise Leads the Hares

It’s 05:20 and I’m pulling into Regency Park wondering what have I gotten myself into?  I’m a tortoise, I’m a clydesdale, I got no business posting at Kryptonite, much less Q’ing.  Is this going to be a huge success, like the Titanic movie?  Or a huge disaster, like the Titanic boat?  Let’s find out.


Take a left on Regency and mosey down to the parking lot on the left, circle up for side straddle hops, then find some curb for quick feet, curb plank jacks, curb mountain climbers and curb merkens.

The Thang

Mosey down the hill to the greenway and partner up for Catch Me If You Can.  P1 prisoner runs around the lake while P2 does ten dying cock-a-roaches then catches P1 to switch.  Stop when you reach Ellerbee and do squats or pick up the six.

Paula Abdul up the hill, running two light poles forward, one light pole back.  Stop when you reach the parking lot on the right and do squats or pick up the six.

Route 66 down one row of the parking lot and back up the next, doing one star jump at the first light pole, adding one star jump at each light pole.  Repeato replacing star jumps with merkins.

Paula Abdul back down the hill, then Indian run back to the flag.


Circle up for low slow flutters, one-legged Homer-to-Marge, LBC’s, Freddy Mercurys, box cutters and finish with everybody’s favorite: the burpee.


Count-a-rama:  16 Name-a-rama:  2 RESPECTS, 13 mehs, 1 HATE Prayers / Praises:  Prayers for Shut-in and his family, especially his dad and uncle, after his other uncle passed away recently. BOM:  YHC took us out


I owe a lot to Banjo.  He encouraged me to come back to F3 after many months away.  He encouraged me to sign up for my VQ.  He encouraged me to become a site Q.  And he encouraged me to Q this high tempo AO despite my membership in the Clydesdale Crew.   Thank you for continuing to push me.  I hope that I can encourage others the way you have encouraged me.

Thanks to the Kryptonite regulars for supporting me, it means a lot that you let me come into your house and lead you this morning.  I didn’t splash merlot, didn’t pass out, we got in over three miles and everyone was sweaty at the end.  I’ll count that as a win.

See also