A Toast to the HIM of Carpex

YHC became Texas Ranger on February 18, 2017 at Bond Park in Cary. Thanks to Ollie for an awesome F3 name, more cool than what I deserve. So, anniversary Q, here’s how it went:

Pre warm-up: YHC announced his anniversary Q and invited the PAX to stick around after COT for a toast to the HIM of Carpex, with a little Powerade, water, and um, Scotch (The Glenlivet, my favorite).

Warm-up: Circle up for good morning stretch, 50 SSH (IC), 10 burpees, WWII sit ups, merkins, plank jacks, merkins, mountain climbers, merkins. Then we partnered up, slow guy with a fast guy, and mosyed out of the parking lot hanging a right, then another right, stopping at the crosswalk for 5 burpees OYO, and ending up at the lower parking lot.

Thang 1: in the parking lot, Partner 1 lunge walked to a parking lot line and did a double-merkin burpee, then lunge walked to the next line and double-merkin burpee and so on; Partner 2 ran around the pickle and arriving back at Partner 1, then switched. By alternating like this, we eventually went around the parking lot circle.

Intermission: at the picnic shelter, we did LBC’s, dips, derkins, and repeato LBC’s, dips, derkins. Then, we formed two Indian Run lines and ran up the road, then to the right and another right making our way to my favorite rock pile by the retaining hill at the lake.

Thang 2: Everyone grabbed a non-traveling rock and traveled over to the steps going up the hill. Each partner team was then responsible for 100 curls, 100 rock-rows, 100 over-head press / tricep extension combo, and 65 squats with the rock = total reps 365, for 365 days in YHC’s 1 year anniversary. While Partner 1 worked on the reps, Partner 2 ran up the hill and did a star jump and ran back down (w/o the rock). This took several rounds.

After the rock pile, we re-formed out Indian Run two lines and moseyed over to the Kiosk staying in the two lines. At the bottom of the hill we sent two at a time up the hill for an all out sprint race, with the winner between the two runners getting rewarded with 5 burpees at the top of the hill.

After the race to the top, we moseyed back to the flag for a few Mary exercises and 10 more burpees OYO and have a nice day.


Announcements: Raleigh’s CSAUP the Mule coming up March 10th; Yogi has started up a new limited run AO in Raleigh at the Healing Transitions site on Tuesday morning at 5:30 am; Wolverine AO will have a new start time of 5:30 am beginning not this coming week but the week after;

Prayer / Praise: Praise for Yogi’s new job he started this week, he loves it! Prayers for Hi-Liter’s dad and Disco Duck’s M.

YHC took us out … thankful for 1 year being a part of this amazing thing called F3. It’s an honor, gentlemen … keep spreading the word.

Then, we toasted, some with Powerade, some with water, and some with a little Scotch. Cheers!

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