A-Team 5-year Anniversary 7-15-19

28 HIMs showed up to celebrate 5-years of wonderful workouts on Mondays! They were led by 108 years of experience on a classic tour of the site.


WWW started the process with the standard disclaimer. There were no FNGs. We pledged allegiance to Old Glory and took off for a short run.

WWW led us in GM, Abe Vigodas, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Eskimo Merkins (they are not cool), hamstring stretch, and runner’s stretch. He tagged in YHC for Act One.

Act One

The PAX were asked to pair off with someone they did not know as well. We ran off to the back parking lot and the basketball courts there. Partner one did Suicides while partner two did People’s Chair and Air Presses AMRAP. Then flip-flopped. When done, plank hold for the six. Then we ran off to the Picnic Shelter.

Act Two

We set up for a Mini-Dora – 50 Merkins, 100 Dips, 150 Jump Squats and running the Pickle. Partner One started with running while partner two started the exercises. We picked up the six and headed out to Power Line Hill.

Act Three

We set up for 7’s with LBCs at the bottom of the hill and Supermans at the top. Partner one started at the bottom of the Hill and Partner two started at the top. It still didn’t help the congestion running the hill. When we were done, we ran off to the front parking lot for Mary and COT.

Mary and COT

The PAX were handed off to WWW. He led us in X-man, V-ups, LBCs, Burpees at Frisco’s request, and have a nice day. WWW led us out in prayer. And so we begin a 6th year of the best Monday workout in Carpex!

See also